Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Substance Abuse And The Degradation Of Adolescent Society
Steve Beaubrun Professor Pinderhughes Sociology 101-011 11-2-2015 Substance Abuse and the Degradation of Adolescent Society in Colorado After reviewing the drug abuse rates of the United States. I have chosen Colorado to be my prime topic of concern. This essay will explore the reasons why adolescents abuse substances in Colorado, the most popular substances and the how they’re acquired, how they affect the teenage demographic/society (school, and house), how this has been dealt with in the future. Obviously drugs and alcohol have been around for centuries, but they way they are used today pale in comparison to how they were used a couple of decades ago. Originally drugs and alcohol were used utilized for antibacterial or medicinal reasons and were treated with respect. However, as the years passed people discovered that drugs and alcohol could be used to make their problems disappear. Thus leading to a long line of recreational drug use. Although the question why people use recreationally? still exists. There are many factors that contribute to why people use drugs for recreation one of the most important ones would be how they were first introduced to drugs in the first place. For example a child witnessing their parent using drugs. Children don’t know any better and learn by mimicking, so growing up and seeing this kind of behavior would clearly leave an imprint in the child s head telling them that it s acceptable and safe to shadow their parent s actions.Show MoreRelatedDrug Abuse And Its Effects On Youth And Teenagers1274 Words  | 6 Pages HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP ENGL1033 REPORT ASSIGNMENT DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS NAME: ALVIN ALEX MATHEW COLLEGE ID: C0652356 INSTRUCTOR NAME: SHAWNA SHELDON SUBMITTED ON: 06/01/2015 DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS Drug abuse has long been and still is a topical issue worldwide. 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