Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Machiavelli Vs Plato - 1614 Words
Rowan DeGasperis Brandon Ives GVPT241 Due: 10/13/17 Socrates’ View on Machiavelli’s Ideologies Niccolà ² Machiavelli and Socrates are two thinkers who are highly regarded, respected, and renowned by today’s scholars due to their roles in shaping their separate versions of an ideal political system during their respective times of uncertainty, political fragmentation, and violence. Although their opinions vary, the men laid the foundation for present day political establishments and opened up the door for historians to examine how past philosophers proposed solving war and political transition. After analyzing Machiavelli’s step-by-step explanation of how to acquire and preserve long-lasting political power in The Prince, as well as Plato’s†¦show more content†¦(Machiavelli, 1967, 57). Although Lorenzo de Medici disagreed with the majority of Machiavelli’s suggestions, the political ideologies articulated in The Prince remain Machiavelli most renowned work in today’s society. Plato’s The Apology of Socrates is a famous narrative and account of Socrates’ trial where he was charged with inventing new deities, corrupting the Athens youth and refusing to recognize state-approved gods. (Plato, 1969, 42). In the narrative, Socrates attempts to defend himself by focusing on the simple truth, in plain language, of what happened and why he is innocent of any crime. Plato writes that Socrates’ highly regarded intellect and curiosity are what really caused him to be charged and prosecuted, as he explored the public with questions that no one could answer. Socrates believed that knowledge and truth were foundation to the community. He explained that the oracle Delphi considered him the wisest man because, he realized, that he recognized what he didn’t know. This awareness of his own ignorance makes him wiser than the rest. However, when he went around asking people questions and challenging truths, the older men in the community were offen ded that their ignorance was exposed. They felt foolish that they did not know or understand and incredibly angry. Regardless, Socrates continued to question them becauseShow MoreRelatedEssay about Plato vs. Machiavelli1695 Words  | 7 PagesPlato vs. Machiavelli A longstanding debate in human history is what to do with power and what is the best way to rule. Who should have power, how should one rule, and what its purpose should government serve have always been questions at the fore in civilization, and more than once have sparked controversy and conflict. 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