Thursday, August 27, 2020
Faith and Vocation-Child and Family Services Coursework
Confidence and Vocation-Child and Family Services - Coursework Example I have a solid livelihood for kid and family benefits since this field offers the most open door for combination of confidence. Following conversation looks to light up the truth of this case â€Å"developing a solid bond among confidence and work can assist one with giving a clear profound significance to callings like youngster and family services.†Fea (2010) claims that individuals are committed to utilize whatever information they have in elevating normal great as per how it is specified in the Bible. As indicated by Hughes and Hughes (2005), it is our obligation as Christians to utilize our abilities in a way that mirrors the position we are given by God. Christians accept that God is exceptionally satisfied when He sees His kin utilizing their abilities as per the Holy Scriptures. In Matthew 5: 44, Jesus declares the craving of God saying, â€Å"Love your foes, favor them that revile you†(refered to in Scheele, 2006, p. 131). Accordingly, it is a strict commitment of kids and family specialist co-ops to stay proficient under all conditions and help their customers in spite of their insufficiencies. We are not sent by our Lord to insatiably propel our own advantages while shunning the government assistance of mankind. It is because of the way that we have quit considering confidence to be job as two elements insepara bly connected to each other that such sadness and anguish has replaced harmony in our lives. Recalling the lessons of Jesus Christ while cooperating with impeded youngsters and families will undoubtedly rouse us to give our best to those in need in light of this compelling message in our brains that we need to pass on one day and answer God. It is essential to count exactly how confidence can be communicated by an expert inside the field of kids and family benefits. For instance, an offspring of separated from guardians can be helped by a confirmed expert in managing weights of day by day life by empowering his/her confidence. Each time a hindered kid is brought by kids
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marriage Essay Example
Marriage Essay Example Marriage Essay Marriage Essay Try not to Judge, or you to will be Judged. 1. How have you every now and again heard this refrain utilized in Christian circles? Think about model from lessons, Bible investigations, masses, and your very own utilization of the stanza. I have been in little gatherings inside my Church that have regularly observed others who are engaged with rehashed demonstrations of wrongdoing, yet our little gathering has frequently gotten some distance from engaging in helping this individual in transgression. My little gathering has alluded to this sacred writing over and over as the explanation of not tending to another ashes sin. While I didn't really concur with this conviction I decided to oblige it. By deciding to oblige this conviction it started to become reality in my life, and I started to trust it more. The way of life we presently live in tends to advance responsibility and obligation. 2. By what means should this section be appropriately comprehended by the creator of The Most Misused Verses in the Bible? At the point when I have an individual relationship with Jesus Christ and am permitting Gods soul to ark inside me, I don't move toward another people sin with satisfaction or double-dealing judgment. I am going to help my kindred Christian out of adoration and sympathy. I will feel constrained to contact this kindred Christian to support him and by doing so I may spare him from death and spread over a huge number of sins. At the point when I go to my kindred Christian in this issue I am not Judging him as the sacred text above Indicates, hence, I won't be Judged by God. 3. In light of Barbershops end, how does this section give expectation, consolation, or backing to the cutting edge peruser? First we need to recollect that all sacred writing Is God inhaled and that It never negates Itself. We can take this sacred writing and all other related sacred writing and put It Into setting. This stanza gives us trust since we have sacred writing to turn that says we are made In the Image of God and in this way should help our kindred Christians. We don't utilize don't Judge as a method of not helping our kindred companion who might be In transgression. We use It as an approach to move toward our kindred Christian who Is In Sin. We don't move toward him In a prideful or two-faced way. We approach are individual Charlatans out of adoration and sympathy and we help them. We address their transgression with them and help them on the correct way. Notes [1] Eric Bargainers, The Most Misused Verses In the Bible: Surprising Ways Gods Word Is Misunderstood (Minneapolis, Milne: Botany House, marriage By association Christian in this issue I am not Judging him as the sacred text above shows, First we need to recollect that all sacred writing is God inhaled and that it never negates itself. We can take this sacred text and all other related sacred text and put it into setting. This stanza gives us trust since we have sacred text to turn that says we are made in the picture of God and subsequently should help our kindred Christians. We don't utilize don't Judge as a method of not helping our kindred companion who might be in transgression. We use it as an approach to move toward our kindred Christian who is in Sin. We don't move toward him in a prideful or two-faced way. We approach are individual Christian in the Bible: Surprising Ways Gods Word Is Misunderstood
The Crusades and it's effect on Medieval Art Research Paper
The Crusades and it's impact on Medieval Art - Research Paper Example Truly, seven fundamental Crusades have been recorded with the most punctual being in 1095 and the rearward in 1291 set apart by the fall of Acre. These seven Crusades have all the more as of late been alluded to as â€Å"The Great Crusades†. The Crusades included a volunteer armed force going from worker to workers where ladies were urged to take an interest just by giving cash; Moreover, some of the campaigns were named; for instance the Albigensian Crusade, Northern or Baltic Crusades and Children’s Crusade (â€Å"Crusade Basics†). Effect on Medieval Art The Crusades were fruitless considering their underlying point as no enduring successes over the Holy Land were made. The shared regard among Muslims and Christians was rather devastated and supplanted by a cruel narrow mindedness (â€Å"The Christian Crusades†). All things considered, not everything was awful; the Crusades assumed a gigantic job in boosting the economy of Europe as exchange cooperations extended. The Medieval time frame was between 300AD, finish of the Roman period, and 1400AD, start of the Renaissance time (â€Å"Introduction to the History of Medieval Art†). ... Be that as it may, toward the beginning of 1150, the styles changed, and this brought forth the period named by students of history as the Gothic time frame. This change was ascribed to a blend of parts of workmanship, religion and theory (â€Å"Introduction to the History of Medieval Art†). The significant distinction between temples worked as of now and those manufactured utilizing the Romanesque style is that they included tight pointed curves originating from high columns. Subsequently, this design offered ascend to houses of prayer as the structures increased in size than they were. This along with the novel plan of recolored glass was intended to hand-off a picture of Heavenly Jerusalem, a spot where human issues were to be overlooked (â€Å"Introduction to the History of Medieval Art†). Impact on social event of new relics and uprising of journeys For helping and securing pioneers to the Holy Land, military requests were built up: the Knights Templar and the Knig hts Hospitaller. They were devout requests where the individuals needed to take pledges of destitution and modesty and furthermore, experience military preparing (Snell). The Crusade period was described by creation of consecrated relics that included rings, crosses, blessed water flagons and earthenware keepsake explorer jars. A portion of the antiquities had pictures that represented strict activities, for example, getting of gifts. These ancient rarities were controlled by both the crusaders and the knights that went with them, and they proceeded to improve exchange relations across Europe. The relics assembled during this time comprised of sacred things, yet additionally the remaining parts of heavenly individuals and locales (â€Å"Art of the Crusades Era†) Through the Crusades time frame, the undertaking from different goals inside Europe
Friday, August 21, 2020
Terminal Paper Mechanics free essay sample
Edsa Caloocan City TERMINAL PAPER MECHANICS PAPER TYPE 1. For the proposition and last oral stages, the scientist may utilize short, white bond paper. 2. The format is utilized for the last paper. (See Appendix B). 3. No hued or finished bond paper ought to be utilized. PRINT COLOR 1. Clear ink is required for the content. No hued printout is permitted. Diagrams and figures ought to likewise utilize fluctuating shades of dark. This so in light of the fact that shading differentiation may not seem positive once the paper is copied. 2. The printout must be clear, coherent, and flawless. Delineations 1. No superfluous representations are permitted. 2. On the off chance that noteworthy, all representations and photographs ought to be appropriately marked so perusers can comprehend them without depending altogether on the image. 3. Section separator pages are pointless. PRINT SIZE 1. The necessary text style is Arial. The necessary text dimension all through the paper is 12. Littler text styles are took into consideration diagrams and charts. 2. Section titles, major and minor headings, passage heading, and table and figure titles are completely composed utilizing text dimension 12. We will compose a custom article test on Terminal Paper Mechanics or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page . Part titles must be in all capital letter designs (AAAA) while major and minor headings, passage heading, table and figure titles must be in a title position (Aaaa). 4. Page numbers ought to likewise be reformatted in Arial in text dimension 12. Edges AND SPACING 1. For the proposition and last resistance papers utilizing plain, short white bond paper, the edges are as per the following: Top:1. 00 Bottom:1. 00 Left:1. 50 Right:1. 00 2. For the last paper imprinted on the paper format, the edges are as per the following: Top: 1. 70 Bottom:1. 20 Left:1. 80 Right:1. 20 3. Space for sections, reference passages, chapter by chapter list passages, and so on ought to be reliable all through the paper. The recommended tab stop position is 0. 5. 4. Starter and end pages utilize single dispersing with the exception of cover sheet, endorsement sheet and suggestion for oral resistance. (See Appendix C) 5. Line dispersing for the content is 1. 5. 6. Inside the content, single dividing is utilized for square citations. 7. Two spaces are required between section headings, major and minor headings, passage headings, table and figure titles. NUMBERING A. Starter Pages (See Appendix C) 1. Use lower case Roman numerals for every single primer page. 2. The cover sheet bears no number however is assigns as page I. 3. A clear page (blank page) bearing no number is put before the cover sheet. 4. The endorsement sheet or the support sheet bears no number, yet is assigned as page ii. 5. Fundamental pages don't show up in the Table of Contents. 6. Page numbers show up on the middle base of the page. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES 1. Each bibliographical passage must utilize APA style of composing. e. g. Record source and Online sources 2. The reference page is an in sequential order rundown of all sources really utilized in the examination. The analyst ought to incorporate just the sources that he/she has refered to in the content. 3. On the off chance that there are at least two sources by a similar creator, don't rehash his/her name for the sections other than the first. Instead of the author’s name, utilize a whole underline of 8 spaces since a long time ago followed by a period. 4. Ought to there be in excess of 10 passages in the reference page, partition these into the accompanying: books, diaries, and periodicals, different sources (unpublished theories and papers, pamphlets, Internet sources). (See Appendix D) TABLES AND FIGURES 1. Every single table title show up over the table; figure titles go beneath. . All table title must convey total data: the table number, portrayal of the topic, district, year the review was channeled (e. g. Table 12. Mean of Burnout Causes among Teacher respondents of Liceo de Los Banos and Los Banos High School, 2003). 3. Never cut tables. 4. Tables and figures introduced in sc ene group. Addendum B. Research Paper Template 1. 0 â€Å" 1. 5 â€Å" 1. 0 â€Å" Appendix C. Test Preliminary Entries Appendix D. Test Bibliography Entries Appendix D. Test Bibliography Entries 1 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Reinforcement alludes to creating duplicates of information utilized as extra duplicates if there should arise an occurrence of an information misfortune occasion. Information reclamation is the main role of reinforcement. Through the extra duplicates made during the reinforcement, reclamation of information is taken as a procedure instead of the lost information. Reinforcements are commonly the last line of resistance against information misfortune and the most helpful to utilize. Since reinforcement makes duplicate of information, information stockpiling is additionally thought of. Information stockpiling can be with the utilization of a gadget, for example, CD-ROMs, hard drives and other stockpiling media. Through legitimate association of extra room, these information stockpiles can be valuable for making reinforcements. . 0†APPROVAL SHEET The Independent Study in Information Technology entitled â€Å" iPad: Integrated Paperless Document Checking with Template-based Edito r for Electronic Thesis †arranged and put together by Cristielle Faith R. Adriano and Jelyn Y. Lopez in halfway satisfaction of the prerequisites for the level of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is thus endorsed and acknowledged. Mr. Enrico P. Chavez Adviser Mr. Teodoro F. Revano Jr. Ms. Mary V. Acabo PanelistPanelist Mrs. Susan S. Caluya Lead Panelist Accepted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT). Ms. Mama. Gracia Corazon E. SicatMr. Jonathan M. Caballero ICT Project/Research Coordinator CS Department Chair Dr. Charlemagne G. Lavina Dean, College of Information Technology Education RECOMMENDATION FOR ORAL EXAMINATION The theory entitled â€Å"iPad: Integrated Paperless Document Checking with Template-based Editor for Electronic Thesis†arranged Cristielle Faith R. Adriano and Jelyn Y. Lopez in incomplete satisfaction of the prerequisites for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science has been analyzed and is suggested for acknowledgment and endorsement for oral assessment. Mr. Enrico P. Chavez Consultant DEDICATION G. R. H. what's more, J. A. V. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT Cristielle Faith R. Adriano and Jelyn Y. Lopez ABSTRACT Adriano ,Cristielle Faith R. , Lopez, Jelyn Y. â€Å"A Development of Sales and Inventory System with Online Product Estimates Service for J. O. B. Vehicle Parts Supply†. Unpublished Thesis. Innovative Institute of the Philippines. Arlegui, Manila. May 2009. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Approval Sheet Recommendation for Oral Examination Dedication Acknowledgment Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures CHAPTER I: The Problem and Its Background1 Introduction 1 Foundation of the Study 1 Theoretical Framework3 Conceptual Framework4 Statement of the Problem6 Hypothesis7 Significance of the Study7 Scope and Limitation of the Study8 Definition of Terms9 CHAPTER II: Related Literature and Studies11 Related Literature11 Related Studies21 Synthesis24 CHAPTER III: Research Methodology26 Research Method26 Research Design28 Respondents of the Study31 Data Gathering Procedure32 Statistical Treatment 33 vii APPENDICES A Letter of Permission B Research Questionnaire C System Prototype D Curriculum Vitae viii LIST OF TABLES Table Number Table Description Page |1 |Respondents Matrix |32 | |2 |Likert’s Scale |35 | |3 |Frequency Result of Respondents |36 | |4 |Frequency Result of IT Office Staff Respondents |37 | |5 |Frequency Result of the Respondent’s Length of Years in the Position |38 | |6 |Frequency Result of the
Free Essay Writing Examples For Grade 4
Free Essay Writing Examples For Grade 4Some of the best essay writing samples for grade 4 are free, but if you need assistance or can't get the sample due to the size of the file, you can easily convert them into a workbook format. If you don't know how to do this, then you should hire a high school English teacher to help you out with it. Of course, an essay is just like any other project and the best essay writers know that one day it will have to be handed in and received. There are several companies online that offer professional essay writing help at prices that are reasonably affordable for all students.If you plan on using the services of a company to convert your essay writing samples for grades 4, it is best to have it written in 'header' format. The header format gives you a simple way to rearrange and organize your resume when you decide to add new projects to it. It is always better to start this as soon as possible so that you do not miss any deadlines.Today, almost all of the high schools offer these types of essay writing samples for grade 4, and most of them have their own professional essays and examples for you to choose from. Not only that, but most students really appreciate being able to do research on the internet. These high schools will usually give you the option of submitting the completed form in response to a written inquiry and this will allow you to conduct an online search and get the answers you are looking for faster than if you were to write to each individual person yourself.The prices that are quoted for essay writing samples for grade 4 are affordable and depend on several factors such as the number of students required for the project, the complexity of the project, and the length of the essay in question. In most cases, essays for grade 4 are quite simple, although there are some students who have other types of projects to tackle.A professionalessay is something that you can rely on without question, and it can also be th e first step towards landing a job or even advancing into an internship that will pay well for you in the future. This is a skill that is especially helpful for those students who may find themselves with little experience or no experience at all.Essays for grade 4 are different from essays that you write for non-high school students, but the themes and ideas are very similar. The majority of projects that you read about in essay writing samples for grade 4 are ones that you would not be expected to complete in a single year. You might even find that many of the projects you read about require you to write on multiple subjects at the same time.Most people who write essays for grades 4 have taken some kind of writing course in high school, college, or university. You might be surprised to learn that many of the essays that you will find will involve several different subjects and that the topics range from a songwriter's viewpoint to the history of a world war to how to make a differ ence in the world today. For example, a student who writes an essay on how to write an essay on wearing dentures for class will probably find himself/herself doing all sorts of research for the project.In addition to the essays that you are required to write on each topic, you may also be required to get online research done on the subject, write a short essay that presents some of the findings from the research, and present the information in your essay in a compelling manner. Essays for grade 4 are usually quite different from essays for non-grade 4 students, but with some planning, you can easily convert your samples for grades 4 into an essay that will stand out from others and get the attention you want.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The War Novel The Sun Also Rises - Free Essay Example
The Sun Also Rises is a war novel published in 1926 by Ernest Hemingway. This book is inspired by a true story, and is one of the works that made him very famous in the nineteen-twenties. The Sun Also Rises is narrated in the first person from the limited perspective of Jakes Barnes, the center of the story. This book tells the story of a group of American and British tourists in Paris, France. He and his friends are writers and artists for during World War I. They pass all their days sitting around in bars and cafes, drinking large amounts of alcohol. They took a trip in Pamplona, Spain, and decided to go there because they wanted to travel, fish, and see the running of the bulls. Many dramatic events happen during this trip because of some affairof love that the characters have between each other. This novel discusses many themes that writers use to write their books. In this book the major themes are masculinity, romanticism (love), disillusionment, power, and escapism. Every theme in this novel is assimilated to different characters, especially the main characters. Jakes narration is insensible and detached. He tells the story as a journalist and explains every situation with many details. He never leaves the reader uninterested. But for our studies, this paper will discuss the persp ective of love point of view presented by Hemingway. The theme of love is very interesting in this novel because its hard to identify when someone is really in love with someone, and when they are not. Im writing this paper on this topic because the theme of love is the one who conduct the reader to be more focus.The Possibility of True Love in the View of Ernest Hemingway The romantic partners in The Sun Also Rises have a habit of exhibiting personality changes often. Despite the fact that marriage is sometimes mentioned, it is always a disastrous and unhappy affair for characters such as Cohn. Robert Cohn has divorced his wife, whom he was married to for five years and had three children. Some time later, he thinks he has found love and gets in a relationship with a young woman named Frances Coyne, a woman who is a possessive and manipulative social climber. But some time later he decides to leave her to have an affair with another important character in the novel named Brett, better known as Lady Brett Ashley. Most of the time in no vels, the beginnings of the real love scenes come in many forms, from beautiful landscape frames, to restaurants, to romantic outlets etc. But here, the characters do not establish a domestic life for themselves. Nocturnal drinking and long meals in public places are the main domestic activity in the novel. The occupations and movements of the characters are aimless and agitated. Ernest Hemingway presents two characters with the possibility of representing true love, these two characters are Jakes Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. Brett is even revealed to aspire to love with Jake. In several chapters of the novel, the author shows the reader that Jake and Brett share a true love, and could be a real couple. To have a better understanding of their characters, its impossible to analyse their relationship without a good and deep reflection on their characters. Jake and Brett have common traits and, on the other hand, they can hardly be compared to each other. In their common traits both characters participated in the First World War. He was veteran of this war, and Brett was a nurse during the war. While they were in service of their countries, and something very unfortunate happened to both of them. Jake was in a very serious accident that does not let him lead a normal life, and Brett lost her beloved, who was her first real love. After that she married a man who abused her but at the beginning of the novel she is divorced. All of these events shape the topic of love because it brings a dramatic side to their love stories. Thats why we see two people physically and mentally, or better, psychologically damaged. By their common points, they see that they are alike and want them and try to be closer to each other by seeking mutual understanding and relief from their suffering. The two characters are very appreciative. In Chapter 4, Book 1, Jakes tries to kiss Brett but she refuses. But soon after this act, she admits that she loves him but doesnt want to go through that hell again . He tries to make her happy, make her laugh, and so on, but that will not be enough to change her mind. She prefers to go from man to man and not pursue a romantic relationship with Jake.The Weakness and Failures From Forming RelationshipsAs stated before, The Sun Also Rises is a story about a group of disillusioned expatriates who are engaged in romances during the whole novel. The theme of love is not the big center here but it helps us to have a better understanding on why those people dont try to open their heart to women or open their heart to each other. Love dont only take place in relationship between two opposite sex or same sex but it also happens in those relationship with your friends, family, etc.. The women and men are intermingled in the novel. All the men in the story are in love with one woman named Lady Brett Ashley. The group represents the lost generation of the First World War because they were considered as disillusioned with the world and everything around them. Many during this war have been destroyed in their morality and religion. All of the characters turned to carnal desires as food, sex, alcohol to full the void inside. World War I left Jake, Cohn, Mike, Bill and Count Mippipopolous insecure about their masculinity. For example, Jakes injury during the war does not allow him to be able to physically partner with Brett or anyone else. Jakes friends try to hide their insecurities and hurt their egos by drinking a lot, chasing sex and watching violent sports such as bullfighting. Each of them are weak in their own way. Mike is broke and Cohn has a lack of love. They are all weak because of the war, including Brett. Brett was destroyed from the World War I when she lost her first true love. To live her life, she drinks all the time. She is always in a romantic situation with many different guys in the novel such as Jake, Mike, Cohn, and Romero. Also the theme of sex is considered as a weakness that proves to be a devastating force in The Sun Also Rises that prevent the main characters from forming loving relati onship. Sexual weakness is explored entirely through Bretts relationship. Everybody know that love began always by a flirt, but with her character we can see that relationship is not always about love but about a game with her partners. She flirted with every man and always made them lose something. She left Cohn a broken heart, she lost her friendship with Jake, and destroyed Romeros career. After the weaknesses there is the failures. The failures come from all of the characters. The major failures in this novel is the communication between every character. Conversations are rarely direct or honest. They hide real feelings behind a mask of civility. The moments of honesty and authenticity in communication generally only occur when the characters are feeling very badly. Whenever a man tries to talk to Brett about a real serious relationship, this is a failure. Whenever an event is supposed to happen, a problem this product or a dispute broke out as for example in Pamplona. The characters in the story that demonstrate the capacity for true love are Brett and Jake. They love each other, lost something from the war, and had a huge friendship. They tried to build a relationship together even if Brett was afraid to suff er again from another relationship. Jake was ready to give her anything even if he had his injury from the war. But at the end, we know that nothing will ever happen between them because Jakes realizes the game of Lady Brett Ashley. Yes, isnt it pretty to think so? This line is the last sentence in The Sun Also Rises that shows us that Brett and Jakes love is only a pretty illusion.CONCLUSION:In conclusion, love is a very confusing feeling especially when it touches people who are morally broken mentally or physically. The love presented here by Ernest Hemingway is circular, everyone loves the same person who is Brett and she plays with all of them to cure the wounds from the past. The life that each character leads does not allow them to have a real loving relationship. The memories of the war, the sex, the alcohol, the insecurity of each character allow them to flourish in their daily and sentimental lives. The more their weaknesses take over, the more failures follow each other. The theme of love in the novel is represented in a very vague and very complicated way. Here, the theme of love is mostly inaccessible for the characters because they afraid to love again or also they want to enjoy their lives and not be stable in their relationship. Even though Lady Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes demonstrate the capacity for true love, one realizes that their love is represented in the form of illusions. They love each other but can live their love plainly because they life dont allow them to be happy. Even if they live a life with no specific goal they cant stay away from each other. Jake is always there for Lady Brett Ashley . Brett, who is considered a distinct individual character, comp herself a lot with Jake on her side. We can only understand the true meaning if we start to see Brett as Hemingway wanted to show it to us, that is, the element that needs to grow through the character of Jake. Brett, who has a multitude of affair with people who represent different ideologies and beliefs, can not believe in any of them for a long time. Because the important character she really loves, Jake is helpless. Whenever Brett begins to believe in something, she becomes invariably disillusioned and returns to Jake, the man who knows her better than any other. Love is not always about feelings in this novel but about the experience that you had in your life.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Effects Of Alcohol During Athletic Activities - 816 Words
Alcohol has many negative effects on those who participate in athletic activities. The NCAA warns â€Å"Excessive alcohol can lead to loss in balance and coordination, reduced reaction time, and increased appetite. The decline in cognitive function can lead to an increase in sports-related injuries†(SCAN Registered Dietitians, 2013). This only scratches the surface of negative effects. Drinking alcohol prior to an athletic event often leads to dehydration which causes problems such as â€Å"increased core temperature, rapid heart rate, nausea/vomiting, and a general feeling of fatigue†(SCAN Registered Dietitians, 2013). All of these side effects not only significantly decrease athletic performance, but they also have a harsh effect on the body in†¦show more content†¦Research studies done by the National Cancer Institute concluded â€Å"Based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths) were alco hol related†(National Cancer Institute, 2013). It was also reported that â€Å"Clear patterns have emerged between alcohol consumption and the development of head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer†(National Cancer Institute, 2013). It is plain to see that alcohol consumption directly increases risks for specific types of cancer. There are many reasons why alcohol and cancer are related. One of the major ways alcohol can cause cancer is through damage to body tissues. The American Cancer Society states â€Å"Alcohol can act as an irritant, especially in the mouth and throat. Cells that are damaged may try to repair themselves, which could lead to DNA changes in the cells that can be a step toward cancer†(American Cancer Society, 2017). Alcohol can also â€Å"damage the liver, leading to inflammation and scarring. As liver cells try to repair the damage, they can end up with mistakes in their DNA, which could lead to cancer†(American Cancer Society, 2017). Besides potentially changing the DNA of body tissue, alcohol can create cancer-friendly environments in other ways. For example, â€Å"Alcohol can raise body levels of estrogen, a hormone important in the growth and development of breast tissue†(American Cancer Society,Show MoreRelatedHealth And Performance Effects Of Alcohol Use By Intercollegiate / Varsity Athletes1232 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the health and performance effects of alcohol use by intercollegiate / Varsity athletes? 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The program helps get homeless youth off the street and into a more productive lifestyle. The Adelaide (Located in Australia)-based service for homeless youth aims to offer support and develop trust through sport and physical activity. Taking the necessary measures to reduce the rate of crime committed, which is a phenomenon that has been ongoing since the beginningRead MoreEffects Of On Campus Housing On College Students Drinking Behavior1565 Words  | 7 PagesEffects of on-campus housing on college students’ drinking behavior: A Literature Review Educational scholars have widely researched the effects of on-campus housing on the behavior of college students and one of the behavioral effects is on drinking behavior. Researchers from both the United States and New Zealand have found that students living in residential halls on campus demonstrate the greatest rates for drinking and peer pressure for drinking (Rickwood, et al., 2011.). Leontini, et al.Read MoreAdolescent Case Study Essay1051 Words  | 5 Pagesout of state and has no relationship or contact with him either. B. The subject comes from an upper middle class family. Her stepfather is a high school graduate and owns his own construction business. Her mother is a homemaker and quit school during her sophomore year. C. The subject and her family live in Southern Gardens, a small subdivision in Bossier City. The family, for the most part, keeps to themselves and does not have any close, personal associations. The few associates they haveRead MoreEffects of Alcohol Abuse on College Students Essay973 Words  | 4 Pages1301-16 12 November 2009 Alcohol and College Students: What are the Effects? College is a time in one’s life to start over, to start off on a clean slate. It is also time for a person to prepare for their future. Most importantly, college is time for people to achieve an education, while furthermore working on who they are and who they want to be. However, when people hear about college experiences, they are mostly focused around wild parties, drugs, and alcohol: the makings of a â€Å"good time†Read MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1250 Words  | 5 Pagesincorporated in Universities as extra-curricular activities. As more students started playing some students demonstrated more talent than others. One of the sports students played was football which in the United States college football became a national obsession. More people became intrigued by football and this sport began bringing a lot of money by filling up the stands. The issue of paying these athletes began arising, so the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) decided to give them a free
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved - 1524 Words
Shai-Dae Alford Dr. DuBose ENG 490-02 10 April 2016 Slave Narrative: Beloved Toni Morrison conveys her strong feelings in her novel about slavery depicting the emotional impact slavery has had on individual mainly the centered character Sethe. The protagonist of the novel is unable to fully prosper in life due to resentment and the ability to move on from her past experiences. In Morrison’s story, since 1873 slavery was abolished for ten years in Cincinnati, Ohio. By the author choosing this setting it had a great impact on the reader like myself. â€Å"I didn’t see her, but a few times out in the fields and once when she was working indigo. By the time I woke up in the morning, she was in line†(Morrison1). Not being able to sustain a relationship with others because loved ones were constantly snatched from her presence, making it impossible for her to get a chance to feel loved especially by her mom. The text Beloved is related to events that occurred during the Civil War like the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act. Once this act was passed, slave owners in the south took this opportunity to reclaim any slaves that escaped from their ownership. When Sethe was enslaved she had experienced the unbelievable cruelty of slavery. In particular, the novel explores how slavery dehumanizes the individuals who were affected by it at the time, treating them as if they were property or animals. Before Sethe was considered a freed individual she belonged to a slave master, Mr. Garner on the plantationShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Morrison s Beloved, By Toni Morrison Essay941 Words  | 4 PagesMorrison and Twain each present freed slave mothers as self-sacrificing. Each woman s traumatic experiences as slaves create a deep fear of her children s enslavement. In Morrison s Beloved, Sethe is so distressed by her past; she murders her child to save her from slavery. Morrison uses Sethe s drastic sacrifice to comment on slavery s psychological effects. Meanwhile, Twain s Pudd n Head Wilson portrays Roxy as a sacrificial mother to create sympathy for black people. From a culturalRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1458 Words  | 6 Pagesinequality between races, classes, and genders. Toni Morrisonâ€℠¢s novel Beloved is a story that truly shows how oppressive slavery was during the setting of the book. Similarly to the inequality faced during the time of slavery, while Morrison was writing the her novel the issue of women’s equality was present, and being fought for. Morrison, through Beloved, is able to show the world her views on inequality, and how it is still present in life today. Morrison is African American, she was born into a familyRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words  | 7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,†he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt them. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and theRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved943 Words  | 4 Pages It is within human nature to fear that which we do not understand. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, this idea is explored through the lens of racial discrimination. In this passage, Morrison uses animal imagery as a means to criticize the whites’ dehumanization and subsequent fear of the blacks. With a focus on this inherent, primal fear, this section stresses the novel’s theme of the â€Å"Other†and reinforces the existence of racial prejudice. While this piece of the narrative emphasizes that this â€Å"othering†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1547 Words  | 7 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved extends beyond a description of individuals held captive by their past through the exploration of human responses to slavery. The manipulation of language and its controlled absence reinforces the mental enslavement that persists after individuals are freed from physical bondage. It is when language is amplified into song that an individual or community may free themselves from the constraints of mental enslavement, therefore enabling their ability to claim ownership of themselvesRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1323 Words  | 6 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved is a masterwork of fiction that allows the reader to have many different experiences based on the novels that you pair the book with. When you read Beloved in a modernist light you get a story with slightly different themes then if you read it through a feminist lens. It is a credit to Morrison that her thoughtfully crafted piece of art is able to stand on it own in so many varying ideas. One of the lens that doesn’t get discussed enough is the lens of African AmericanRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt the m. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and the cycleRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved871 Words  | 4 Pagesvery important motif in both Morrison and Faulkner’s stories. In Beloved, the reader is presented with a sad and depressed portrait of Sethe. Her life seems dark and bleak. However, once Beloved enters into her life, the reader sees an apparent shift in Sethe as a character. She begins to see color again, and it is Beloved who brings about this sudden transformation (Beloved, 65). And in the end, after Beloved has left, Sethe states, â€Å"She was my best thing†(321). Beloved was her redeeming quality,Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 702 Words  | 3 PagesWilliams 2 period Book by: Toni Morrison Book Titled: Beloved Beloved is about a lady they call Sethe who lives in Bluestone with her daughter Denver and her mother in law Baby Suggs. Fifteen years before the story starts, Sethe kills her baby because she was trying to keep her kids from being brought into slavery. The community knew about her killing her baby and judges her. Her sons Buglar and Howard left fifth teen years before the book started. After Baby Sugg s died, Denver and Sethe are alone
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Machiavelli Vs Plato - 1614 Words
Rowan DeGasperis Brandon Ives GVPT241 Due: 10/13/17 Socrates’ View on Machiavelli’s Ideologies Niccolà ² Machiavelli and Socrates are two thinkers who are highly regarded, respected, and renowned by today’s scholars due to their roles in shaping their separate versions of an ideal political system during their respective times of uncertainty, political fragmentation, and violence. Although their opinions vary, the men laid the foundation for present day political establishments and opened up the door for historians to examine how past philosophers proposed solving war and political transition. After analyzing Machiavelli’s step-by-step explanation of how to acquire and preserve long-lasting political power in The Prince, as well as Plato’s†¦show more content†¦(Machiavelli, 1967, 57). Although Lorenzo de Medici disagreed with the majority of Machiavelli’s suggestions, the political ideologies articulated in The Prince remain Machiavelli most renowned work in today’s society. Plato’s The Apology of Socrates is a famous narrative and account of Socrates’ trial where he was charged with inventing new deities, corrupting the Athens youth and refusing to recognize state-approved gods. (Plato, 1969, 42). In the narrative, Socrates attempts to defend himself by focusing on the simple truth, in plain language, of what happened and why he is innocent of any crime. Plato writes that Socrates’ highly regarded intellect and curiosity are what really caused him to be charged and prosecuted, as he explored the public with questions that no one could answer. Socrates believed that knowledge and truth were foundation to the community. He explained that the oracle Delphi considered him the wisest man because, he realized, that he recognized what he didn’t know. This awareness of his own ignorance makes him wiser than the rest. However, when he went around asking people questions and challenging truths, the older men in the community were offen ded that their ignorance was exposed. They felt foolish that they did not know or understand and incredibly angry. Regardless, Socrates continued to question them becauseShow MoreRelatedEssay about Plato vs. Machiavelli1695 Words  | 7 PagesPlato vs. Machiavelli A longstanding debate in human history is what to do with power and what is the best way to rule. Who should have power, how should one rule, and what its purpose should government serve have always been questions at the fore in civilization, and more than once have sparked controversy and conflict. The essential elements of rule have placed the human need for order and structure against the human desire for freedom, and compromising between the two has never been easyRead MoreEssay about Plato vs Machiavelli1052 Words  | 5 PagesOf the many disparities between Plato and Machiavelli, the distinction of virtue versus virtu sticks out like a sore thumb. Virtue was the political bases for Plato: All men should behave virtuously at all times. Whereas Machiavelli believed virtu was the basis for political prowess. What was best for the state as a whole was the main concern, and the ends always justified the means. Plato’s object was the creation of a utopian society--a civilization that abhorred war and centered itself uponRead MoreCompare And Contrast Socrates And Machiavelli1419 Words  | 6 PagesSocrates vs. Machiavelli: The meaning of truth As philosophers, both Socrates and Niccolo Machiavelli developed theories in response to the warring political environment around them. However, the theories and principles developed by the two philosophers are vastly different in regard to the concept of truth, Socrates would hate Machiavelli’s model prince due to Machiavelli’s manipulative view of truth. While Socrates desired a state that focuses on fundamental truth and ethical decisions, MachiavelliRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates s Concept Of A Prince1811 Words  | 8 PagesLeah Brennan Professor Brandon Ives 13 October 2017 GVPT241 (0105) Soulcraft vs. Statecraft Though Machiavelli and Socrates lived in distinct states, on the heels of the Peloponnesian War in Athens to the height of the Renaissance in Florence, respectively, a few common threads bind them together. They lived in periods of uncertainty, political fragmentation, and violence, and these experiences inform and shape their beliefs about how society and government as a whole should function. Socrates respondsRead More Order vs. Freedom in Political Systems 1963 Words  | 8 PagesOrder vs. Freedom in Political Systems Order and freedom are both necessary and beneficial towards the citizens and society with the aim to promote harmony, yet they both contradict each other. This contradiction has existed throughout many years and it is still hard to decide which one is ideal for the society. This essay will discuss and analyze if order or freedom is more important for political systems. Many believe that order should be applied by the government; though it should be allowedRead MoreLiterary Masterpieces Matrix1186 Words  | 5 Pages|at war with man as he | | | |Illad is mortality. The |parallelism and contrasts.|destroys civilizations | | | |story focuses war and the|Light vs Dark, good and |and cities throughout the| | | |characters within it are |evil, day and night etc†¦ |book. | | | |faced with theirRead MoreA Review of Ethics Concepts Theories2669 Words  | 11 PagesConcepts Theories Educational Objectives: 1. Explain the type of problem that is addressed by philosophers. 2. Explain how ethical norms help address ethical issues that arise in accountancy. 3. Contrast the views of Mills, Machiavelli and Kant. 4. Describe what is meant by a social contract. 5. Analyze a given situation and tell why it would be appropriate or inappropriate to lie. 6. Explain the views of Kierkegaard and contrast him from other existentialistsRead MoreSocrates Vs. The Prince1842 Words  | 8 PagesSocrates vs. The Prince Niccolà ² Machiavelli, a Florentine philosopher and political aficionado from the 16th century and Socrates, a classical Athenian savant who lived during the 5th century B.C., are both judged as being forefathers to modern western political science and thought. The two great men both came from erratic epochs within their respective nations of Italy and Greece: wars, transitions of power, and domestic conflicts left their countries void of sustainable leadership and in desperateRead MoreSocrates Vs Machiavelli2003 Words  | 9 PagesSocrates VS Machiavelli The debate on how people should rule has been going on since the dawn of time. Many agree and many disagree but they all agree that we should have a ruling force of some kind but what and how much has been very controversial. Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates were two very important and revolutionary political philosophers for their time. Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince and the Discourses†outlines Machiavelli’s ideal prince and what a prince should do in power. Plato writesRead MoreMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought2559 Words  | 11 PagesMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought Niccolo Machiavelli was a political realist. He thought there were certain skills and characteristics needed to become a political ruler. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli gives advice on how to be a successful prince, or ruler. Successful is partly based on how powerful a ruler was during his lifetime (reign), but largely based on how much the prince affected the lives, through laws or societal norms, of future generations. Machiavelli was mainly interested
Substance Abuse And The Degradation Of Adolescent Society
Steve Beaubrun Professor Pinderhughes Sociology 101-011 11-2-2015 Substance Abuse and the Degradation of Adolescent Society in Colorado After reviewing the drug abuse rates of the United States. I have chosen Colorado to be my prime topic of concern. This essay will explore the reasons why adolescents abuse substances in Colorado, the most popular substances and the how they’re acquired, how they affect the teenage demographic/society (school, and house), how this has been dealt with in the future. Obviously drugs and alcohol have been around for centuries, but they way they are used today pale in comparison to how they were used a couple of decades ago. Originally drugs and alcohol were used utilized for antibacterial or medicinal reasons and were treated with respect. However, as the years passed people discovered that drugs and alcohol could be used to make their problems disappear. Thus leading to a long line of recreational drug use. Although the question why people use recreationally? still exists. There are many factors that contribute to why people use drugs for recreation one of the most important ones would be how they were first introduced to drugs in the first place. For example a child witnessing their parent using drugs. Children don’t know any better and learn by mimicking, so growing up and seeing this kind of behavior would clearly leave an imprint in the child s head telling them that it s acceptable and safe to shadow their parent s actions.Show MoreRelatedDrug Abuse And Its Effects On Youth And Teenagers1274 Words  | 6 Pages HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP ENGL1033 REPORT ASSIGNMENT DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS NAME: ALVIN ALEX MATHEW COLLEGE ID: C0652356 INSTRUCTOR NAME: SHAWNA SHELDON SUBMITTED ON: 06/01/2015 DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS Drug abuse has long been and still is a topical issue worldwide. There are so many reasons why individuals get addicted get to be reliant on drugs. A few individuals begin taking them out of immaculate interest, others to enhance their athleticRead MoreCensorship And Its Effect On Children1619 Words  | 7 PagesNamita Sharma Mr. McCormick 2/19/2015 ENG 3U1 Monkey See, Monkey Do Monkey see, monkey do, a simple phrase relevant to today’s society. Those in society that simply do not know any better, such as children, are inclined to imitate what they see being done. Without censorship daily television shows are increasingly exhibiting more violence, foul language and sexuality to susceptible youth. Due to lack of censorship, explicit music lyrics and inappropriate images on music videos are being introducedRead MorePrescription Opioid And Illegal Drug Abuse Essay2170 Words  | 9 Pagesthe world is facing in the 21st century is prescription opioid and illegal drug abuse. Unfortunately, this lethal dilemma is not publicized in the media as much as other things such as celebrity drama, cancer prevention, or the newest fitness craze. The notorious opioid epidemic is in full swing and has effected individuals from all religions, cultures, and genders. Although it may seem like a collective issue, adolescents are in the most danger. If one could prevent a disease, wouldn’t they? The WorldRead MoreDrug Addiction : The Most Terrible Evil1797 Words  | 8 Pagesdrug addiction leads to the degradation of the individual and society. Drug abuse, known since ancient times, is now spread in size, disturbing the entire world community. Narcotic mafia run countries (Latin America), have their own army (Southeast Asia). Revenues clandestine corporations’ drug trade exceed the known oil revenues, and close to world income from the arms trade. Especially fatal abuse among young people - is affected and the present, and the future of society. Full, in terms of drug treatmentRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized?1801 Words  | 8 Pagesdrug addiction leads to the degradation of the individual and society. Drug abuse, known since ancient times, is now spread in size, disturbing the entire world community. Narcotic mafia run countries (Latin America), have their own army (Southeast Asia). Revenues clandestine corporations’ drug trade exceed the known oil revenues, and close to world income from the arms trade. Especially fatal abuse among young people - is affected and the present, and the future of society. Full, in terms of drug treatmentRead MoreThe Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children4542 Words  | 18 Pagesare therefore bound to come into contact with child sexual abuse. Some of these children may have symptoms and signs, and if they have not disclosed the abuse they depend on a doctor to initiate concern about it. Both doctors and children will benefit from medical practice that accepts and recognizes a level of medical concern expressed in terms of reasonable medical certainty (Faller, 2009). A medical diagnosis of child sexual abuse can be a reference point which can enable other agencies toRead MoreChild Sexual Exploitation3343 Words  | 14 PagesINTRODUCTION With the development and subsequent global rise of free trade, globalization and internationalization many new benefits are afforded to society, many old and new social inequities have reared their ugly heads once again. This has allowed an alarming and disturbing rise of instances in the exploitation of minors. The most widespread and upsetting of these is child sexual exploitation (hereafter CSE). However with greater power comes even greater responsibility, not only for individualsRead MoreChild Sexual Exploitation3353 Words  | 14 PagesINTRODUCTION With the development and subsequent global rise of free trade, globalization and internationalization many new benefits are afforded to society, many old and new social inequities have reared their ugly heads once again. This has allowed an alarming and disturbing rise of instances in the exploitation of minors. The most widespread and upsetting of these is child sexual exploitation (hereafter CSE). However with greater power comes even greater responsibility, not only for individualsRead MoreA Research Study On Adolescent Suicide Essay2270 Words  | 10 PagesFacilitating Connection and Saving Lives The purpose of this paper is to detail a group aimed to provide support for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents. The paper begins by examining literature related to adolescent suicide rates, the lack of personal and community resources for teenagers, and adolescent development and mental health. The paper will then address the methodology, purpose, and goals of the group. The paper will address the role of the leader. He/she will utilize an AdlerianRead MoreProblems of Society (Law, Crime, Punishment)7483 Words  | 30 PagesProblems of Society (Law, Crime, Punishment) Definition of Legal system Legal systems can be split between civil law and common law systems. The term civil law referring to a legal system should not be confused with civil law as a group of legal subjects distinct from criminal or public law. A third type of legal systemâ€â€accepted by some countries without separation of church and stateâ€â€is religious law, based on scriptures. The specific system that a country is ruled by is often determined by
Argumentative Essay on Gay marriage free essay sample
Gay People can’t do this. Women shouldn’t be able to that. But touch my semiautomatic rifle and you’re attacking my rights. †- Remi Kanazi Why should someones rights to marry be based on a person religious beliefs or their own opinion on family values. Gay Marriage: If they like they should be able to put a ring on it. Same sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their relationship in the same way as heterosexual couples. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same sex couples want the right to legally marry and honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer Also same couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples. Many benefits are only available to married couples, such as hospital visitation during an illness, taxation and inheritance rights, access to family health coverage, and protection in the event of the relationship ending. We will write a custom essay sample on Argumentative Essay on Gay marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Same sex couples should not be denied the right to marry their partner as it states in the 14th amendment it forbids states from denying any person life, liberty or property, without due process of law or to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment. This is just one of many examples why a same sex couple should have the right to marry, every person in America should have the same rights as another. Same sex marriages is a civil right. The 1967 Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia confirmed that marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man†and same-sex marriages should receive the same protections given to interracial marriages by that ruling. Legalizing gay marriage will not harm heterosexual marriages or family values and society will continue to function successfully. Gay marriages and same sex relationships don’t harm anybody or has any negative effects on one’s life. Same sex partners just want to be married and have a family like heterosexual couples. A study published on Apr. 13, 2009 in Social Science Quarterly found that laws permitting same sex marriage or civil unions have no adverse effect on marriage, divorce, and abortion rates, or even the percent of children born out of wedlock. And also gay marriage legalization is correlated with lower divorce rates, while the ban on gay marriages are correlated with higher divorce rates. Studies shown that Massachusetts, which became the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004, had the lowest divorce rate in the country in 2008. Its divorce rate declined 21% between 2003 and 2008. Alaska, which altered its constitution to prohibit gay marriage in 1998, saw a 17. 2% increase in its divorce rate. The seven states with the highest divorce rates between 2003 and 2008 all had constitutional prohibitions to gay marriage. If the reason for marriage is strictly reproduction, infertile couples would not be allowed to marry. Ability to create offspring has never been a qualification for marriage. George Washington, often referred to as the Father of Our Country,†did not have children with his wife Martha Custis. Also there are plenty of children in foster homes waiting to be adopted by couples it should not matter if they couple is gay. As long as the couple is financially sound and has a good household environment there should be no problem with adopting kids. It shouldn’t matter if a child has 2 mothers or 2 fathers a family is a family. One day it won’t be called a gay family just a family. As you can see same sex couples should have the right to get married. Another person’s feelings or opinions should not control their rights or lives. No one should judge one another off their sexual orientation. Marriage is a right not a hetrosexual priveledge. And if you were gay you wouldn’t want anybody denying you your right to get married. There’s no freedom until we are equal.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Microbiology Study Guide free essay sample
The sum of all biological chemical reactions inside a cell or organism Differences in catabolism and anabolism: Catabolism is an enzyme-regulated chemical reaction that releases energy. Complex organic compounds such as glucose, amino acids, glycerol and fatty acids are broken down into simpler ones. The energy of catabolic reactions is used to drive the anabolic reactions. Anabolism is also enzyme regulated but requires energy for taking the simpler broken down components from the catabolism phase and building them into complex molecules such as starch, proteins and lipids What is the role of ATP? ATP is the driving force for catabolic and anabolic reactions. ATP stores energy that is produced from the catabolic reactions which is later released to drive the anabolic reaction and other cellular work. ATP is stored energy in cells (phosphate groups held together by high energy reacting bonds) ATP is required for synthesis and some of the energy is given off as heat What are enzymes and their components? Enzymes are biological catalysts (substances that speed up a chemical reaction without themselves being permanently altered) Components: Apoenzyme is the protein portion of an enzyme. Inactive by themselves, must be activated by cofactors Cofactor- non protein portion (IE: ions of iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium) ****If the cofactor is an organic molecule, it is called a coenzyme Holoenzyme- The apoenzyme+cofactor forms the holoenzyme. It is the active enzyme. If you remove the cofactor, the apoenzyme will not function. **Cofactors may assist the enzyme by accepting atoms removed from the substrate or by donating atoms required by the substrate. Substrate=the specific substance that an enzyme will act on) **The crucial function of enzymes is to speed up biochemical reactions at temperatures that are compatible with the normal functioning of the cell. What are metabolic pathways? The sequence of enzyme catalyzed chemical reactions within a cell. What is the Kreb’s cycle? A pathway that converts two-carbon compounds to CO2, transferring electrons to NAD+ and other carriers; also called tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle or citric acid cycle A series of biochem ical reactions in which a large amount of potential chemical energy stored in acetyl CoA is released step by step. In the cycle, a series of oxidations and reductions transfer that potential energy in the form of electrons to electron carrier coenzymes (mostly NAD+). The pyruvic acid derivatives are oxidized and the coenzymes are produced. Kreb’s cycle is for lipid catabolism. Glycerol is converted into dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and catabolized via glycolysis and the Kreb’s cycle. Fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation, in which carbon fragments are spit off two at a time to form acetyl CoA which is catabolized by Kreb’s cycle. What is glycolysis? **Glycolysis creates to ATP molecules The main pathway for oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid: Glycolysis is usually the first stage in carbohydrate catabolism. This occurs from the oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid. Most microorganisms use this pathway and it occurs in most living cells. The term â€Å"glycolysis†means the splitting of sugar. The sugars are oxidized, release energy and then their atoms are rearranged to form 2 molecules of pyruvic acid. **Glycolysis does not require oxygen! Explanation of cellular respiration: Cellular respiration takes place after the glucose is broken down in pyruvic acid which is then channeled into the next step of either fermentation or cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is defined as the ATP-generating process in which most molecules are oxidized and the final electron acceptor is (almost always) an inorganic molecule. **operates via an electron transport chain * Aerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is O2 Anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is an inorganic molecule other than O2 What is an electron transport chain and why is it important? It is a system in which electrons pass through a series of different electron carriers to molecules or oxygen or other oxidized inorganic and organic molecules. The process occurs in the plasma membrane of the prokaryotes and in the mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes. What is microbial growth? It is the growth in numbers of populations or an increase in the numb er of cells What are three physical requirements of microbial growth? PH, temperature and moisture Define psychotrophs: Are cold loving microbes, will usually be found growing in the refrigerator such as listeria (20-25oC) How does PH affect growth? Certain bacteria thrive in a specific PH environment. Acidophiles like a PH of 5. 4 or below whereas Neutrophiles (most human pathogens) prefer a more neutral environment (5. 5-7. 5 PH) Define halophiles: Extreme halophiles (obligate halophiles) are microbes that require a high salt concentration that is required for growth. Faccultative halophiles (most common) are microbes that do not require high salt concentrations for growth but can tolerate high salt solutions. How does osmotic pressure effect microbial growth? Microorganisms obtain most of all their nutrients in solutions surrounding water; therefore water is required for growth. They are composed of 80-90% water. High osmotic pressures have the effect of removing vital water from a cell. If a microbe is in a solution in which the concentration of solutes is higher than in the cell, the microbe is in a hypertonic environment which will create pressure on the cell. It will crush the cell causing the cells water to push out through the plasma membrane into the high solute concentration. What are some chemical requirements for microbes? Carbon- one of the most important for microbes next to water because it is the structural backbone Nitrogen- it is required for protein synthesis (requires some sulfur), also needed for DNA or RNA synthesis (needs some phosphorous) Vitamins and minerals- needed for essential function of enzymes, usually as co-factors. What are some organic growth factors? Essential organic compounds an organism is unable to synthesize are known as organic growth factors. They must be directly obtained by the environment. One group of organic growth factors is vitamins for human. What is a media? A media is a nutrient prepared for the growth of microorganisms. In the lab we use nutrient broths and nutrient agars. What are canophiles? Canophiles (aerobic bacteria) are microbes that grow better at high CO2 concentrations. Low oxygen high CO2 conditions resemble those found in the intestinal tract, digestive tract and other body tissues where pathogens grow. Why is a selective media desireable? Because a selective media will suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria while encouraging the growth of the desired microbes. How do prokaryotes reproduce? Reproduce by binary fission (most common) while others may go through a â€Å"budding†process 2 Categories used to control microbes (physical and chemical) Physical: Heat (dry heat such as flame or in hot ovens) heat will denature the protein causing the proteins shape to change making it no longer usable by the organism. Or (moist heat) such as with an autoclave which will force steam inside of the organism very quickly and cause it to break down Chemical: surfactants such as soaps which will work as a binding agen to the microorganism causing it to break off and be rinsed off or phenols which will disrupt the cell membrane or denature the protein therefore disrupting protein synthesis What are physical methods to control microbes? * Heat (dry and moist heat) * Cold * Radiation * Membrane filtration * Drying * Osmotic pressure What are the most common and effective ways of controlling microbes? An autoclave machine that utilizes heat, steam and pressure to kill microbes and their endospores in about 15 minutes (prions are not killed) Is it more effective to control or kill microbes? It is more effective to control the microbes because we can study live bacteria, but not if they are dead Why would we want to control microbial growth? Controlling microbes can prevent infections and food spoilage Compare and contrast chromosomes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Prokaryotes have 1 chromosome (only one allele) Eukaryotes have 2 chromosomes (2 alleles) DNA is not always the genetic material. What are the exceptions? How could mutations give rise to new alleles of a gene? How does translation differ from transcription? Transcription in the synthesis of a complementary strand of RNA from a DNA template Translation is the protein synthesis that involves decoding of nucleic acid and converting the information into the language of the proteins What are the differences between the leading and lagging strand? Leading strand gets replicated sequentially and gets filled first. The lagging is the strand that gets replicated sporadically based off of what is left. What are three types of RNA and what do they do? Messenger RNA (mRNA): carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Transfer RNA (tRNA): transfers the necessary sequence by carrying the code. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): helps in synthesis of proteins. Explain mutations: A mutation is the change in the base sequence of DNA. Some mutations are bad such as when the gene for an enzyme mutates. The enzyme encoded by the gene may become inactive or less active because its amino acid sequence has changed. But a mutation can also be beneficial such as when an altered enzyme encoded by the mutant gene suddenly has new or enhanced activity that will benefit the cell.
Monday, April 13, 2020
How to Write a Rewrite Essay Sample
How to Write a Rewrite Essay SampleDo you want to learn how to write a well-researched, quality revision paper essay? It's important to start out by gathering all of the facts about your subject. Here are some ways that you can do that.A good way to gain information is to find out what person's interests they most closely resemble. Once you have their list, look at them and see if there are similarities in the answers you gave. If you find the answers you wrote on similar topics, you'll know what questions to ask. With this knowledge in hand, you'll have an idea of what you should address.Learning how to write a good revision paper essay depends a lot on your ability to analyze skills. Analyzing skills also depend on the reason for writing the paper in the first place. After you've analyzed your topic thoroughly, you can begin your research.Another great way to obtain information is to read more than one essay. Reading multiple essays can help you find information that may be helpful . Make sure you compare the information from each essay to the information you've gathered from your first one. By doing this, you'll be able to write a well-researched essay without having to dig through everything you found.The best way to learn how to write a well-researched essay is to use a helpful lesson to help you along. A lesson can show you ways that you can learn how to write a well-researched essay while working from an easy to follow lesson. If you take a lesson which tells you how to write a revision paper, you will find that you won't have to read through hundreds of papers before you can begin your research.The process of learning how to write a well-researched essay involves gaining as much information as possible. By taking a lesson and using the materials available, you'll have a greater chance of understanding how to write a good essay quickly.A review course is an excellent way to get a better understanding of how to write a well-researched essay. Most review co urses teach revision of an essay by breaking it down into smaller parts. In this way, you'll have less time trying to remember all of the details that you need to learn.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Architecture, Building and Planning Term Paper Writing Guidelines
Architecture, Building and Planning Term Paper Writing Guidelines You can produce a supreme quality architecture term paper with proper planning. First of all, you have to decide on an interesting and challenging topic, then find a specific angle and a good thesis statement for the chosen subject matter. Next, make sure to put your ideas in order in a clear and concise outline. Start writing. When you’re done with the first draft, don’t forget to revise and proofread your piece until you are 100% satisfied with the ideas, thoughts and their expression within the text. In the following sections of this architecture term paper guide, we will discuss in turn each of the issues mentioned above. The Topic: How to Choose the Best One Are you unsure what topic would become the best fit for your architecture term paper? It’s time to conduct some research. Take into account the topics related to architecture area and pick on two or three that you find the most attractive. Besides, you can spend some time searching for the articles in architecture magazines or newspapers in order to find out what issues get the biggest buzz in the architecture world today. In the process, ensure to keep in mind the length of your term paper and do your best to select the topic that you can explore in detail without producing too little or too much prose. Stay away from the issues that have been already done to death. Give your preference to something fresh and slightly explored or something popular and then research the topic from a completely different perspective. The point here is that a relevant, insightful and captivating topic will motivate you to get started as soon as possible and will make it easier to collect supporting evidence. And here are a few suggestions: What Are the Types of Architecture that Are Established According to the Needs of Its Different Institutions? Vernacular Architecture and Its Straightforwardly Utilitarian Design; The Impact of Globalization on Architecture and Architectural Ethics; Using Recent Architecture Innovations: What Is the Downside of Architecture Inventions in Modern World? Do Digital Tools Make Architects Less/More Productive at Studying or Work? Rampant Imagination in the Field of Architecture: Should be There Any Limits? The Peculiarities Of Light As a Quality in Architecture; Has The Modern Architecture Changed the Way People Live? The Impact of Globalization on Contemporary Architecture. The Importance of a Thesis Statement for Architecture Term Paper If you happen to choose the topic that is quite broad, make certain to narrow it down now. An effective architecture term paper should take a certain angle on a more general topic or cover only one aspect of it. It’s necessary to sum up your topic into a single sentence i.e. the thesis statement. Compose your thesis statement with due attention since it’s the trickiest part to produce. According to the manual provided by The Tutoring Center Bucks County Community College, the thesis sets the overall point of your term paper. Craft it in accordance with the type of the project you’re assigned with. The thing is that not every term paper teaches, and not every term paper persuades. The key goal of your architecture term paper will help you to tailor the best thesis statement. Analytical: This type of term paper breaks down a complex topic in order to better research and understand one. For instance: â€Å"The types of architecture depend upon social formations and may be classified in accordance with the role of the patron in the community.†Expository: The term paper of this kind illustrates or teaches a certain point. For instance: â€Å"The most impressive monuments are the so-called stÃ… «pas that are of gigantic size and have considerable antiquity but usually reconstructed throughout the centuries.†Argumentative: The architecture term paper of an argumentative type makes a claim, or supports a viewpoint, to change the opinions of the other people. For instance: â€Å"Even though contemporary architecture hadn’t allowed the expression of conflicts of function between various spaces, in deconstruction, it permits intersecting angled beams and clash of various functionless spaces.†Find a good place for a thesis statement. Taking into account the role that the thesis plays, it should be placed at the beginning of the term paper, usually at the end of the first paragraph. Even though many of your readers may expect to see the thesis statement somewhere at the end of the opening paragraph, the actual location depends on a range of factors like the length of the intro or the term paper itself. How to Prepare an Impressive Introduction An introduction of the architecture term paper provides an overall review of your project, as well as includes a couple of slightly different issues from the abstract. It introduces the topic and sets one in a broader context, narrowing the topic down to a particular research issue, hypothesis and thesis. A complete introduction explains how the author is going to handle the research problem, as well as provides the hints to make the target readers want to read more and more of your work. Feel free to introduce the architecture topic through a quotation, a historical fact or an anecdote. When working on architecture or science term paper, you can find dozens of ways to start your intro and announce the topic. An illustrative quotation or anecdote can generate interest in your project and demonstrate an engaging author’s style. Humor is a great way to hook your audience. If you use an entertaining quotation, ensure it’s short and relevant for your research. If you work on â€Å"The Development of Architecture Design in the 20th Century†, mentioning the following words would be good: â€Å"Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because the idea wasnt theirs.†(Frank Chimero) or A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.†(Frank Lloyd Wright). Like in thousands of Hollywood movies, the first task in this section is to set the initial scene. This will provide your architecture term paper with a context, as well as enable your readers to see how this paper is relevant to the previous research in the area. The introduction can be based on a historical narrative. You can chronologically outline the very first research performed in the field and gradually proceed to the present day. For instance, the first identified architect in history was Imhotep, who lived in 2600 BCE in Egypt. The earliest architecture items in Greece, China or Egypt were the first buildings that allowed us to outsource and store our knowledge. As for the new study researches, mention Carmel Place the micro-unit apartment building provided by â€Å"nArchitects†(New York City), where the classic New York skyscraper is virtuously combined with the loft-like rental apartments look. It is important to assume that your term paper is aimed at the readers, who can boast of having a solid working knowledge of your particular discipline. For instance, a term paper on the creation of the open floor plan-designing rooms that flow and open out into each other Frank Lloyd Wright contributed to needs not go into too much detail about the most famous architect in the U.S. It’s assumed your target readers are already aware of his relationships and beliefs. The Body of an Architecture Term Paper Even though it may sound quite irrational, producing your introduction first may be harder than starting with the central part of your paper. If you begin your architecture project by writing the main points in order to back up your thesis statement, you’ll be able to slightly change and replace your ideas and facts. Ensure to support every thesis statement you make with strong evidence. Taking into account the fact that you’re working on a term paper now, there should not be any issues that you provide that cannot be supported by the points directly from your research. If you inform your readers on the fact that â€Å"In the USA, late 18th century architecture and early 19th century building designs were usually based on Greek and Roman architecture†or that â€Å"A spectacular example of iron-and-glass construction is the well-known Henri Labrouste’s nine-domed reading room that is located at the Bibliothà ¨que Nationale, in Paris†, it’s important to support the claims with the facts provided by the trusted researches like â€Å"Late 18th Century Architecture†and â€Å"Henri Labrouste and the Lure of the Real†respectively. Keep away from using many direct quotes that are too long. Without a doubt, your term paper is based on an in-depth research; however, your task here is to provide your own ideas. Unless the quote you include is 100% necessary, paraphrase and analyze it using your own words instead. Not sure the body of your paper is up to the task? If yes, ensure to isolate the first sentence of every paragraph. Together, they should sound like a complete list of logically structured evidence. Master the Secret of an Effective Conclusion with Architecture Term Paper Tips from Our Experts What is the conclusion of an architecture term paper? Well, it’s one of the crucial moments in the assignment of the type, accomplished in progress of its creation. First of all, you have to draw a parallel between the introduction and the conclusion. These two segments must be interconnected. Start with the justification of relevance and proceed to the argumentation of the research goal, the achievement of which was the result of the term paper. Having described the problems you have solved and the goals you’ve achieved, switch your attention to the results of the practical work. Ensure to substantiate their importance, prove why it was crucial to introduce these actions in practice, as well as argue the personal opinion on the phenomena, processes, and methods of solving the arising problems. At the end of the section, make sure to sketch up the plans for future research, as well as suggest the ways of possible improvement and modernization. A good example of the conclusion for the architecture term paper on â€Å"How Nature Can Provide Reliable and Sustainable Building Solutions†would be the following: â€Å"Green Architecture is the most significant architectural movement at the present moment. As has been seen, the ecological damage caused by modern buildings (mainly by the heating and air-con systems, e.g., by the use of unsustainable materials in the process) can be recorded in real figures, such as the amount of carbon dioxide the modern buildings produce in terms of how much these buildings contribute to global warming. As has been observed, there are tons of pressures on the architects, and on the industry as a whole, to create high-quality buildings. This will only keep on increasing in the future. For that reason, architects, such as Eugene Tsui, who consider buildings as living organisms, are not so far-fetched.†Ensure You’ve Got a Style You use dozens of outside sources? Make sure to find out what citation style is set by your academic institution, APA or MLA (or any other style if you don’t live in the United States). Every style has its own notation system; however, if you’re not sure about the rules, it’s recommended to use one of the manuals available online for APA, Harvard, Chicago or any other style. Peppering your term paper with quotes is a good thing to do, but make sure your â€Å"meal†isn’t too â€Å"hot†. Keep away from cutting and pasting from the projects written by someone else. By all means use the thoughts of the wise men of your field to support our own thinking but avoid saying nothing else but â€Å"N says†or â€Å"N claims†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Your audience wants to know what the author of the paper says intimately. Sort out the bibliography from the very beginning in order to avoid the last minute panic.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Cholera Map of Dr. John Snow
Cholera Map of Dr. John Snow In the mid-1850s, doctors and scientists knew there was a deadly disease called the cholera poison rampaging through London, but they werent sure how it was being transmitted. Dr. John Snow used mapping and other techniques that would later be known as medical geography to confirm that the transmission of the disease occurred by swallowing contaminated water or food. Dr. Snows mapping of the 1854 cholera epidemic has saved countless lives. The Mysterious Disease While we now know that this cholera poison is spread by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, scientists in the early 19th century thought it was spread by miasma (bad air). Without knowing how an epidemic spreads, there is no way to stop it. When a cholera epidemic occurred, it was deadly. Since cholera is an infection of the small intestine, it results in extreme diarrhea. This often leads to massive dehydration, which can create sunken eyes and blue skin. Death can occur within hours. If treatment is given quickly enough, the disease can be overcome by giving the victim a lot of fluids, either by mouth or intravenously. In the 19th century, there were no cars or telephones and so getting quick treatment was often difficult. What London needed was someone to figure out how this deadly disease spread. The 1849 London Outbreak While Cholera has existed in Northern India for centuries (and it is from this region that regular outbreaks are spread) it was the London outbreaks that brought cholera to the attention of British physician Dr. John Snow. In an 1849 cholera outbreak in London, a large proportion of the victims received their water from two water companies. Both of these water companies had the source of their water on the Thames River, just downstream from a sewer outlet. Despite this coincidence, the prevailing belief of the time was that it was bad air that was causing the deaths. Dr. Snow felt differently, believing that the disease was caused by something ingested. He wrote down his theory in the essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, but neither the public nor his peers were convinced. The 1854 London Outbreak When another cholera outbreak hit the Soho area of London in 1854, Dr. Snow found a way to test his ingestion theory. Dr. Snow plotted the distribution of deaths in London on a map. He determined that an unusually high number of deaths were taking place near a water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Snows findings led him to petition the local authorities to remove the pumps handle. This was done and the number of cholera deaths was dramatically reduced. The pump had been contaminated by a dirty baby diaper that had leaked the cholera bacteria into the water supply. Cholera Is Still Deadly Although we now know how cholera is spread and have found a way to treat patients who have it, cholera is still a very deadly disease. Striking quickly, many people with cholera dont realize how serious their situation is until it is too late. Also, new inventions such as airplanes have aided the spread of cholera, letting it surface in parts of the world where cholera has otherwise been eradicated. According to the World Health Organization, there are up to 4.3 million cases of cholera each year, with approximately 142,000 deaths. Medical Geography The work of Dr. Snow stands out as one of the most famous and earliest cases of medical geography, where geography and maps are utilized to understand the spread of disease. Today, specially trained medical geographers and medical practitioners routinely use mapping and advanced technology to understand the diffusion and spread of diseases such as AIDS and cancer. A map is not just an effective tool for finding the right place, it can also save a life.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Report Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Report Plan - Essay Example (What product, service, or program will you recommend?) The topic of the report would be improvement in the providing financial aid to poor but deserving students. The current financial aid process requires students to apply a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form which would be forwarded to the Federal Student Aid Programs (U.S. Department of Education, 2013). As disclosed, the receipt of the FAFSA by the Federal Student Aid Programs will prompt the Department of Education to issue an official Student Aid Report (SAR) to the applicant. After which, the educational facility would be provided with a copy of the SAR electronically. The processing normally takes four to six weeks and there is difficulty in following up the status of the student’s application after the FAFSA has been forwarded to the Federal Student Aid Program due to the volume of applications received. As such, the student who applied for financial aid has little recourse if the application is de nied at the last moment and thereby, provides the student with virtually no alternative courses to seek financial assistance and enroll in graduate programs, as planned. 3. Identify the purpose of the report. (What need or problem will the product, service, or program resolve?) The purpose of the report, therefore, is to provide students applying for financial aid under the graduate services program with other alternative courses for financial assistance; in addition , or in lieu of the application with FAFSA. Hopefully, educational institutions should have their specific financial aid program to support the academic needs of deserving students and which could be processed on a shorter time frame to enable incoming graduate students to plan for the academic endeavor prior to formal school opening. 4. Identify potential resources that will be needed for support. To support the report, the potential resources that could be researched are: (1) private institutions that provide educatio nal support and financial aid which could be tapped by incoming graduate students; (2) some form of promissory note agreement could be forged between the student and the graduate studies administrator to determine the fees for a particular semester and accommodate the minimum fee that could enroll the student on a lay-away or down payment scheme; and (3) provision of greater opportunities to be accepted to the graduate assistantship program (Graduate Assistantships, 2013). 5. Identify methods to be used to gather information. To gather pertinent information on the abovementioned resources, the following data could be researched: (1) secondary sources of information of private scholarships being provided; (2) pros and cons of promissory note methods; and (3) weighing pros and cons of being admitted to the graduate assistantship program as students are pursuing their master’s degrees. Likewise, other previous secondary sources of information conducted by authoritative authors o n the subject could provide needed support. If time would allow, other sources of gathering information could be through survey or questionnaire method, interviews, or through primary method of research. 6. Identify criteria to be used to evaluate the information collected. (What factors will you consider to make your recommendation?) To evaluate the information collected, the factors that would be considered are as follows: To apply for
Thursday, February 6, 2020
20th Century Public Space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
20th Century Public Space - Essay Example Figure 4 The Great Court at the British Museum Designed by Norman Foster†¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Page 8 Introduction Public spaces are critical components of urban areas. According to Worpole public spaces are any areas that are open and accessible to people (p. 3). This may include roads, public arenas, government buildings, libraries museums among other structures. It is imperative to note that the public spaces include outdoor and indoor spaces. Historically, pubic spaces were used by people for social, economic and even political purposes. Thus, these places played an integral role in building the social and cultural relationships among the people in a particular area. In the United Kingdom, urban areas have incorporated public spaces as an essential element of urban planning for centuries. In Europe, most cities took a functional approach towards the design public spaces whereby there existed several kinds of public spaces with different functions and symbolism (Hamnett & Noam 223). The functional approach of architectural design was favored due to the specialization of the cities. For instanc e, factors such as traffic, politics, social contrasts and productivity became critical considerations in the selection of the kind of public space appropriate for a particular area. It is evident that planning and design of public spaces has to that the spaces facilitates easy and meaningful interactions of people. Suffice to say, public spaces in buildings such as churches have to architectural designed to handle large numbers of people with various needs and demands. LondonMuseum One of the most notable public spaces in the history of Europe is the museum. Museums can be basically defined as places where objects of cultural or historical significance are exhibited. Notably, museums are repositories for historical artifacts that are of value for future generations in order to allow interested people to view. The first public museum in Britain was opened in 1753 in London (Duncan 279).This was the first national public museum in the globe and it was the brainchild of Sir Hans Sloan e. The British Museum was officially established through an Act of Parliament and it was first housed in a seventeenth century mansion in Bloomsbury London called Montagu House. Over the centuries, the buildings housing the British Museum have changed the museum has remained in its original location. Figure 1 Courtyard of Montagu House, Bloomsbury, 1754. (Worpole 175) After its opening in 1753, the museum grew in stature and the number of collections. Initially, the Museum had approximately seventy one thousand collections which were contributed by the Sir Hans Sloane. The huge number of new collections naturally meant that the Museum had outgrown the original building in which it was housed. This prompted the first expansion programme that laid the foundations for the present structure that houses the British Museum. In 1823, the trustees of the British Museum commissioned a renowned architect Sir Robert Smirke to construct the new buildings. The construction of the new building wa s necessitated by the fact that the Museum had received the gift of King George IV’s father’s library and there was no space to add more book shelves in the Museum. Robert Smirke was a follower of the Greek Revival movement of architecture and endeavored to use this architectural design principle in the construction of the building. According to the Greek Revival movement, it was appropriate for buildings to have simplicity and the classical look of the Greek architecture (Hamnett & Noam 225). The design concept for the Smirke building originated from the ancient Greek temples. Smirke
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