Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Money in Baseball Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Money in Baseball - Research Paper Example This was the reason for the increase in the revenues of MLB. To increase the revenues, MLB had signed a deal with the eBay’s unit StubHub that permitted people to buy and sell tickets. This had affected the revenues of MLB and they were being benefited in rising revenues (Isidore, â€Å"Baseball close To Catching NFL as Top $ Sport†). The other sources of revenue generation that was utilized by MLB were the options such as official website of MLB selling different merchandises, tickets and other items through ‘satellite radio broadcasts’, television game packages and other options for revenue (Isidore, â€Å"Baseball Close To Catching NFL As Top $ Sport†). The radio broadcast at the initial phase was merely for free publicity, but as the game became more professional there were contracts between the radio broadcaster and the leagues. At the initial stage there were less revenue generated and it was only at a local level from the local radio broadcasts. Later around the year 1950, Liberty Broadcasting System added National radio broadcasts of the games played in the regular season. The inclusion of national radio as well as television broadcasts has helped in the teams in MLB to generate more revenues (Haupert, â€Å"The Economic History of Major League Baseball†). The television was used as the source for revenue. The league had contract with the television broadcaster and this became the source of revenue that started from 1946. There has been immense increase in the revenue from this source from 1946 till the current situation (Haupert, â€Å"The Economic History of Major League Baseball†). From the franchise value MLB earned revenues. They have created their brand value and this assisted in franchise value appraisal. In the year 1998, the latest team to join MLB had paid US $130 million to MLB for the privilege (Haupert, â€Å"The Economic History of Major League Baseball†).

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