Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on E Commerce - 768 Words
1. Explain how Apple achieved business success through the use of information, information technology, and people. Answer - At to begin with, Steve Jobs was pestered that he had missed the MP3 fleeting trend. Occupations was stuck on creating feature altering programming and was ignorant to the MP3experience. Employments took the MP3 sensation data and specialty an arrangement on how Apple could enter the MP3 market. Occupations methodology started by bringing by and large the right individuals to embrace the iPod undertaking including Jeff Robbin from Sound Step and his MP3 programming, an iPod improvement bunch, and an iTunes advancement bunch. Bringing aggregately the right individuals, with the right data, and utilization of†¦show more content†¦What apple can do is hear possibly what the customers want in technology or even possibly a design for a specific gadget. what could bring up revenues is possibly creating new colors for an iphone or ipad. Some customers really care about the look of their phones just like the technology in it. apple has already done that with the ipod but g ive the iphone and ipad a consideration in changing colors instead of buying different color cases for the phone to attract the eyes of the customers. Apple should definitely invest resources to build a supply chain management system. There are four main components to the supply chain system which are strategy, partners, operation and logistics. The strategy manages all the resources required to meet customer demands. The idea of possibly bringing in new colors to the phones and computers could be a possible strategy. Apple can use the partners component to determine the finished products and price. The operations can help schedule the production activities and help measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the company. Logistics would help process orders and make apple a more structured and productive company by using supply chain management. 4. Using Porter’s Five Force Model, analyze Apple’s buyer power and supplier power. Answer- The five forces determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. Attractiveness in this context refers to the overall industryShow MoreRelatedE Commerce1203 Words  | 5 PagesElectronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerceRead MoreElectronic Commerce ( E Commerce )1286 Words  | 6 Pagesopportunities (E-business, eEurope, n.d). More and more companies have discovered the advantage of using the Internet as a communication tool to reach consumers at any place and at any time. This also enab les consumers to search and gather information about products and services online. The word e-commerce refers to all transactions online. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the area in which we are to do our research and throughout this dissertation we will discuss consumer trust in e-commerce. The termRead MoreElectronic Commerce And E Commerce1452 Words  | 6 PagesE-commerce Definition Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, which involves the transfer of information across the Internet. It is often associated exclusively with online consumer shopping, but the term extends beyond that category. Additional businesses covered under the umbrella of e-commerce includes online auction sites, such as EBay, and businesses that exchange both goods and services.[3] History The history of e-commerce is oftenRead MoreElectronic Commerce And E Commerce2337 Words  | 10 PagesElectronic Commerce Electronic Commerce Defined Salvatore (2013) defines electronic commerce or e-commerce stating, â€Å"E-commerce refers to the production, advertising, sale, and distribution of products and services from business to business and from business to consumer through the internet†(p. 150). These activities can take place in many environments between businesses and consumers. E-commerce has changed the way goods and services are exchanged and have given light to businesses and consumersRead MoreE Commerce Vs. Electronic Commerce1527 Words  | 7 PagesThere are plenty of ways to define the definition of E-commerce. For example, according to the Oxford Dictionary, E-commerce or electronic commerce is the commercial transaction that conducted electronically on the Internet. Some people define E-commerce as the processes of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information by using the computer network technology such as the Internet. E-commerce does not only provide the function of buying and selling goods and services online viaRead MoreE Commerce And The Internet1060 Words  | 5 Pagestopic of e-commerce. The reason e-commerce interests me is I would like to find out how it relates to business in terms of importance, benefits, and influence. E-commerce is relative to my area of study because the goal for my future company will deal with providing services and content to customers via the internet. So what exactly does e-commerce mean? Let’s see how Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines the word: â€Å"e–commerce noun e–com ·merce ˈē-ËÅ'kà ¤-(ËÅ')mÉ™rs Simple Definition of e–commerceRead MoreE Commerce Is On The Rise772 Words  | 4 PagesI agree with your post. I believe that brick and mortar businesses are highly relevant despite the fact that e-commerce is on the rise. I too enjoy shopping online sometime mainly due to my shopping habits and simply out of convenience. Joseph (2016) acknowledges that, E-commerce has the convenience component nailed down. Moreover, that is essentially why people like online shopping, consumers like that they have to exude little effort or difficulty, they simply just have to scroll down a pageRead MoreEssay on E-commerce678 Words  | 3 Pagesmore businesses look for ways to secure electronic marketing online, there is a greater need for E-commerce. defines E-commerce (EC) as the â€Å"buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet. As more and more companies accept the challenge of E-commerce, e-business security and security software is becoming a factor th at corporations need to meet. We will discuss what E-commerce is and how it is used and the advantages and disadvantages. Security systems for EC have fourRead MoreE Commerce And E Business Essay2218 Words  | 9 PagesOnline businesses are those kinds of firms that do not have a physical presence, and their operations are mainly virtually run and controlled. These types of activities are in other words referred to as e-commerce or E-businesses. The management of the businesses, as well as the supervision of the day to day operations of the business, is done virtually. The business does not have physical stores, warehouses or shops. This type of activity utilizes electronic means for the firm transactions as opposedRead MoreE Commerce in Thailand5356 Words  | 22 PagesEvaluation of Market Potential 3 E Commerce Industry Overview in Thailand: 4 Demographic 4 Internet Usage 4 Internet 5 Access to Internet 5 E Commerce Business Models: 11 Internet Retail: 11 Intermediaries (3rd party market place): 11 General and vertical classifieds: 11 Lead Generation (Comparison Shopping): 11 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE (Top 10 E Commerce Website) 12 Weloveshopping: 12 Dealfish 13 14 Pramool 15 Notable E Commerce Startups: 16 Priceza 16 Lazada
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Theu.s. Declaration Of Independence - 1635 Words
On April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson was born. He was the author of the U.S. Declaration of Independence; the country s first secretary of state (1789-94); second VP (1797-1801); and, as the third president (1801-09), the statesman in charge of the Louisiana Purchase. As open authority, history specialist, savant, and ranch proprietor, he served his nation for more than five decades. Jefferson was introduced to a standout amongst the most conspicuous groups of Virginia s grower first class. His mom, Jane Randolph Jefferson, was an individual from the pleased Randolph group, a family asserting plummet from English and Scottish sovereignty. His dad, Peter Jefferson, was an effective rancher and in addition a talented surveyor and cartographer who delivered the first precise guide of the Province of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson was the third conceived of ten kids. As a kid, Thomas Jefferson s most loved diversions were playing in forested areas, rehearsing the violin and reading. He started his formal instruction at nine years old, concentrating on Latin and Greek at a nearby tuition based school keep running by the Reverend William Douglas. In 1757, at 14 years old, he took up further investigation of classical languages and in addition writing and science with the Reverend James Maury, whom Jefferson later depicted as a right established researcher. In 1760, having taken in everything he could from Maury, Jefferson left home to go to the College
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marketing Communication Social Marketing
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Communication for Social Marketing. Answer: Introduction: The Coca-Cola Company is principally a manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic drink syrups and concentrates. It was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia by a pharmacist named John. S. Pemberton. It was initially offered as a fountain drink by adding Coca Cola solution with carbonated water. The brand was patented in 1887 and got its registered trademark in 1893. In 1899, the company started licensed bottling venture in the United States and expanded globally in the year 1906.The company has a long history of acquisition. In 1960, it had acquired Minute Maid and in 1993 it acquired Thums Up and Barqs in 1995. It had bought Colombia Pictures for the sum of $692 million but later sold it to Sony Corporation in 1989 for the sum of $3 billion ( 2016). Products Description - Carbonated Soft Drinks: Under this product category, the company produces brands like Coca Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Fanta, Sprite, Barqs, Barriliots, Dasani, Fresca, Mello Yello, Pibb, Sprite and many others. - Juice and Juice Drinks: Minute Maid is the main product of this category. Apart from this product, Five Alive, Honest Kids, Odwalla Smoothie, Simply Orange and Simply Lemonade. - Water and Water Based Beverages: There are varieties of mineral water and flavored water brands like Aquarius, Dasani, Fruitwater, Smartwater, and Vitaminwater. - Sports Drinks: There are two brands under this category namely Powergrade and Powergrade Zero. - Tea, Coffee and Coffee Drinks: It has wide variety of tea, coffee and coffee drinks. Some of them are Fuze, Gold Peak, Honest Tea, Gold Peak Coffee, Georgia Coffee. - Other Products: It includes Zico coconut water, Odwalla Bar, Odwalla Protein Shake and Core Power ( 2016). Target Market of Coca Cola Company The Coca Cola Company takes into consideration each and every single individual as its target customer, yet while segmenting the market for its product the company takes into consideration the age, family size and income level of the targeted customers. Age is one of the factors that the company considers to be essential for segmenting its market and therefore it manufactures products that could meet the demand of the targeted age group. Coca Cola mainly targets the customers in the age group of 10-45 by endorsing their products through popular celebrities and personalities in their commercials and advertisements (Czinkota and Ronkainen 2013). The company also targets various schools, colleges, universities, restaurants and hotels to fetch long-term contracts. The company offers a wide range of products for this age category like Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Fanta, Georgia Coffee and many other products. Apart from these products, it also offers non caffeine drinks like Diet Coke Zero, Fanta Zero, Minute Maid, Powergrade, Powergrade Zero, Sprite Zero for the above mentioned age category as well as for the customers above the age of 45 years who are diabetic. Income is another important factor for determining its target market. The company offers its products in various packages and sizes at distinctive price levels which make its products quite affordable for middle income groups, families, students. This type of targeting is also directly linked with the size of family due to variation in the packaging and bottle sizes (Armstrong et al. 2012) Positioning Strategy The Coca Cola Company, the worlds leading beverage company made an essential change in its marketing strategy with its new global campaign titled Taste the Feeling launched in 2016. The current campaign took over its previous popular marketing campaign Open Happiness. The current campaign conveys the message of discovering refreshment and fun in little moments of life. Coca Cola adopted this master brand positioning strategy to consolidate its principal brand Coca Cola as well its sub brands like Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta and many other products under its umbrella. The current plan is proving to be a success as well as quite promising but also brought about certain challenges like the requisite for designing an exceptional packaging and communication strategy. The Open Happiness campaign largely focused on the brand whereas the current campaign of Taste the Feeling shifted the focus towards the products apart from bringing to light the emotional and functional outlook of th e brand. In the current brand promotion campaign Coca Cola aims to symbolize refreshment, energy, and joy ( 2016). One Brand Strategy The current campaign was a brainchild of Coca Cola Companys chief marketing officer Marcos de Quintos who developed the plan with an objective to unite the brand globally and make a One Brand approach. With the new campaign came another faade of the new plan, with more than 20 commercials which focused heavily on the product. Coca Cola positioned its various brands namely Coke Zero and Diet Coke under the One Brand approach with all the products featuring the new Taste the Feeling tagline. Some branding experts believe that it is an approach undertaken by the company to remind consumers that refreshment and Coca Cola are synonymous. The shift might look very small for an outsider but the experts consider it to be a really huge shift. It is a thoughtful shift that would guide the company in the new age where the company seems to be preparing to make some bold moves. Open Happiness campaign was triumphant but it got away too far from the product as the tagline can be associated with anything that a person opens but the current campaign have strong connectivity which directly speaks about the feeling derived from drinking Coca Cola ( 2016). Communication Goals of Coca Cola Company The marketing campaigns launched by the Coca Cola Company aims to achieve its primary objectives. Like any other business the primary objective of the company is profit maximization and all its communications goals are directed towards the accomplishment of its primary objectives. The marketing and advertisement campaigns of the company contribute to the accomplishment of its primary objective of profit maximization in numerous ways. The Coca Cola Company used mass media methodology in its integrated marketing communication program. It uses television advertising, billboards and print media for its marketing campaigns (Morrison 2016). Its integrated marketing communication program employs marketing mix of advertising, social media marketing, sales promotion, and web based interactive and direct marketing. Following are the objectives that the company aims to achieve through its integrated marketing communication (IMC): Creating Brand and Product Awareness: This marketing objective can be said as the secondary objective of the company as it already have a wide range of products extensively available in almost 200 countries and high degree of brand recognition. Encouraging Liking Towards the Companys Products: This objective aims to encourage consumers towards the liking of the products of the company over its competitors products due to the extremely competitive global market for beverages. Product Trials: The company aims to encourage prospective new customers to take a trial of its products but this objective is pursued by the company very occasionally and only in the markets which are new to the company (Yeshin 2012). Encourage Short Term Sales: This particular marketing objective is taken up by the company on a season basis. For example: the company introduces summer season sales offers in supermarkets and the significant information is being conveyed to the existing and potential customers. Identify Consumers Buying Behavior: The integrated marketing communication also aims to identify the buying behavior of the consumers a develop products in order to integrate the lifestyle of the consumers with their consumption behavior and thereby attaining their lasting loyalty (Blakeman 2014). Reason for Applying IMC by Coca Cola Company An efficient integrated marketing communication method that is set up and maintained is essential prevailing business prerequisite. Coca Colas IMC approach has set a benchmark that presents an instant of reference of preferred accomplishment that is desired across various industries. High revenues and sales, brand recognition and visibility, brand positioning in the global market are indicators of the strong levels of achievements accomplished by the business. The companys products are consumed globally as a consequence of in-store and retail marketing activities which are carefully detailed. In the business that has spanned for more than 100 years, the company has gone to the pinnacle of industrial food chain. The elements that are applied with respect to the IMC approach, the relative significance of the constituents, constituent competence, and the overall success of the approach have integrated to conceive a feeling that customers have affectionately embraced. If this IMC approac h is employed throughout then undoubtedly the company will remain a market leader (Mihart 2012). Message Strategy and Execution Tactics The marketing campaign materials are planned according to the message they intend to convey and sounds, words and images featured within them are developed by marketing experts to serve the purpose. Messages sent via sounds, words and images promoting the brand can be categorized into three heads Coca Cola is trendy, it helps best in quenching thirst and drink it is a part of lifestyle (De Mooij 2013). Various materials employed by the company try to convey a message that the drink quenches the thirst in best possible way and partly for this reason the drink is consumed by millions of people every day. Coca Cola has positioned itself as drink to quench thirst, symbol of success and style. The subject matter of diverse marketing resources employed to promote Coca Cola also attempts to make potential and existing customers to believe that its an essential constituent of daily life (Bakan 2016). Promotional Mix and Media Strategy The Coca Cola Company employs several promotional methods to create enhanced market demand by socializing with behavior and lifestyle and chiefly targeting value based promotion. People frequently witnesses the products commercials categorized for a specific festival or with a common positive message. The company uses corporate social responsibility as marketing tool to secure emotional gain in consumers mind. In the past the company has hired many famous personalities like Wayne Rooney, Christina Aguilera, Sarah Jessica Parker to promote their brands globally (Shimp and Andrews 2012). The company comes up with many commercials that creates an emotional connect with the consumers and since the current generation of youth are extensively engaged in social networking, they promote their brand through their official page on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as through Youtube. Apart from these, the company also engages itself with many sports worldwide to promote its products like official drinks sponsor of any cricket league or football tournament like the Fifa Football World Cup and many others. The company is using the above promotional mix and media strategies to develop principal campaigns like the recent Fifa World Cup social media strategy to get anybody involved whether a football fan or not. The social media has served as an important platform to interact with the people and maintain a healthy relation through two way communication (Roman and Zgiep 2013). The effectiveness of the success of its promotional activities can be ascertained by consistently increasing number of followers that they have on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the blogs and reblogs that they receive. Further data analytics of the company consistently tracks its official website visits by people throughout the year (Arapi and Kruja 2015). Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company is principally a manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic drink syrups and concentrates. It was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia by a pharmacist named John. S. Pemberton. It was initially offered as a fountain drink by adding Coca Cola solution with carbonated water. It has a wide range of products under its umbrella such as Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Minute Maid and many others. While segmenting the market for its product the company takes into consideration the age, family size and income level of the targeted customers. The company has developed its brand positioning strategy from Open Happiness to Taste the Feeling. The integrated marketing communication (IMC) approach is aimed at brand awareness, encourage liking towards the products and many others. The reason for applying IMC is to enhance sales and revenue, increase brand recognition and positioning of the product. The marketing campaign materials are planned according to the message they intend to convey and sounds, words and images featured within them are developed by marketing experts to serve the purpose. The Coca Cola Company employs several promotional methods to create enhanced market demand by socializing with behavior and lifestyle and chiefly targeting value based promotion. References Arapi, R. and Kruja, D., 2015. Media influence in promotion mix.Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies,4(2 S1), p.176. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2012.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Bakan, J., 2016. Social marketing: thoughts from an empathetic outsider. Journal of Marketing Management,32(11-12), pp.1183-1189. Blakeman, R., 2014.Integrated marketing communication: creative strategy from idea to implementation. Rowman Littlefield. (2016).Coca-Cola-Announces-One-Brand-Global-Marketing-Approach. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. (2016).our-company/about-coca-cola-journey. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. (2016).coca-cola-products/?category=all. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. Cuppari, S. and Sawhney, D., The Coca-Cola Company, 2016.DISTRIBUTED PROMOTION MANAGEMENT. U.S. Patent 20,160,092,931. Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013.International marketing. Cengage Learning. De Mooij, M., 2013.Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. (2016).coca-cola-has-a-tasty-new-ad-campaign/. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. Mihart, C., 2012. Impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer behaviour: Effects on consumer decision-making process. International Journal of Marketing Studies,4(2), p.121. Morrison, T., 2016. Integrated Marketing Communications. Roman, M. and Zgiep, L., 2013. Promotion as part of the marketing mix and its application in enterprise activities.Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoy Gwnej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, (09 [58]). Shimp, T.A. and Andrews, J.C., 2012.Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning. Yeshin, T., 2012.Integrated marketing communications. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Michael Jordan Essays (991 words) - Chicago Bulls,
Michael Jordan Michael Jordan was one of five children born to James and Delores Jordan. He was born February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn. His parents felt that the streets of Brooklyn were unsafe to raise a young family. So instead of trying to endure the streets of Brooklyn, the Jordan family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael's father, James, got a job in Wilmington as a mechanic and his mother Delores got a job as a teller at United Carolina Bank. Michael always had an eye for baseball. He played as an outfielder and as a pitcher. When he was twelve, he was the top player in his league. By the age of fifteen, he wasn't the star in baseball as he once was. He was still very good, but he had lost some of his focus. Later, in his high school career, he dropped baseball to pursue another interest. Soon Michael adopted the game of basketball. When Michael reached the ninth grade, he tried out for the basketball team. Coach Lynch, Michael's coach, cut Michael, which in turn may have made the best player alive today. Michael then took practicing basketball to another level. He played his brother Larry whenever he could. Michael never expected what would come in the near future. Michael Jordan went to the University of North Carolina as a basketball recruit. Even though Jordan at 6'5" was a man with potential, he still studied very hard in an attempt to get a good education, while competing in sports. Mike wasn't expected to be a star of the Tar Heels, since they had players such as James Worthy, Sam Perkins, and Al Wood. But, by the end of the 1981-82 season, Jordan, as a freshman, was an everyday starter. Carolina reached the Final Four with the help of Jordan, who had sixteen points and led the team with nine rebounds. In the final twenty seconds, Michael made a title winning shot from the left baseline. In Michael's sophomore and junior seasons, he was voted College Basketball's Player of the Year. Through Michael's three years at Carolina, he average 17.7 points per game, while maintaining a "B" average. After a great college career, the Chicago Bulls as the third pick of the 1984-85 season drafted Michael. Michael made a huge impact in the NBA (National Basketball Association). He made such an impact that he was selected to be an alternate on the Eastern Division all-star squad. With Michael's growing success in the NBA, more and more companies wanted to use the "Air Jordan" name. One of the first companies to use his name was Nike. Nike paid Michael $2.5 million, so they could begin a line of shoes known as "Air Jordan's "During the 1987-88 season, Jordan raised his game to another level. The Bulls' status was also raised to another level with the additions of Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant. Michael was having another great season and this was evidenced when he started on the Eastern Division all-star squad."(Website) He then finished the season, leading the Bulls in scoring for 81 games out of the 82 game season. For his efforts, Jordan was selected as the Most Valuable Player and as Defensive Player of the Year. Throughout the rest of the few years Chicago went on a rampage. They had received the best records in history, and with the help of Michael they went on to win three NBA championships. Michael Jordan announced after winning his third consecutive NBA championship that he was stepping down from the game he loved. He said that he was tired of the pressures. Some people believe that Jordan's gambling debts caused Jordan to quit. Others believe that the slaying of his father, which happened on August 15, 1993, caused Jordan to quit. There is one final theory that Michael wanted to pursue one of his childhood dreams, professional baseball. Michael Jordan announced that he would pursue his dream of playing baseball. Jordan joined the Chicago White Sox organization. The White Sox gave Jordan a tryout and then decided that he would be best playing with the Birmingham Barons. When Mike hit his first home run on July 30,he pointed to the sky honoring his father. However, Jordan struggled in baseball, with a
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