Monday, September 30, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Seventy-one
Catelyn It seemed a thousand years ago that Catelyn Stark had carried her infant son out of Riverrun, crossing the Tumblestone in a small boat to begin their journey north to Winterfell. And it was across the Tumblestone that they came home now, though the boy wore plate and mail in place of swaddling clothes. Robb sat in the bow with Grey Wind, his hand resting on his direwolf s head as the rowers pulled at their oars. Theon Greyjoy was with him. Her uncle Brynden would come behind in the second boat, with the Greatjon and Lord Karstark. Catelyn took a place toward the stern. They shot down the Tumblestone, letting the strong current push them past the looming WheelTower. The splash and rumble of the great waterwheel within was a sound from her girlhood that brought a sad smile to Catelyn's face. From the sandstone walls of the castle, soldiers and servants shouted down her name, and Robb's, and â€Å"Winterfell!†From every rampart waved the banner of House Tully: a leaping trout, silver, against a rippling blue-and-red field. It was a stirring sight, yet it did not lift her heart. She wondered if indeed her heart would ever lift again. Oh, Ned . . . Below the WheelTower, they made a wide turn and knifed through the churning water. The men put their backs into it. The wide arch of the Water Gate came into view, and she heard the creak of heavy chains as the great iron portcullis was winched upward. It rose slowly as they approached, and Catelyn saw that the lower half of it was red with rust. The bottom foot dripped brown mud on them as they passed underneath, the barbed spikes mere inches above their heads. Catelyn gazed up at the bars and wondered how deep the rust went and how well the portcullis would stand up to a ram and whether it ought to be replaced. Thoughts like that were seldom far from her mind these days. They passed beneath the arch and under the walls, moving from sunlight to shadow and back into sunlight. Boats large and small were tied up all around them, secured to iron rings set in the stone. Her father's guards waited on the water stair with her brother. Ser Edmure Tully was a stocky young man with a shaggy head of auburn hair and a fiery beard. His breastplate was scratched and dented from battle, his blue-and-red cloak stained by blood and smoke. At his side stood the Lord Tytos Blackwood, a hard pike of a man with close-cropped salt-and-pepper whiskers and a hook nose. His bright yellow armor was inlaid with jet in elaborate vine-and-leaf patterns, and a cloak sewn from raven feathers draped his thin shoulders. It had been Lord Tytos who led the sortie that plucked her brother from the Lannister camp. â€Å"Bring them in,†Ser Edmure commanded. Three men scrambled down the stairs knee-deep in the water and pulled the boat close with long hooks. When Grey Wind bounded out, one of them dropped his pole and lurched back, stumbling and sitting down abruptly in the river. The others laughed, and the man got a sheepish look on his face. Theon Greyjoy vaulted over the side of the boat and lifted Catelyn by the waist, setting her on a dry step above him as water lapped around his boots. Edmure came down the steps to embrace her. â€Å"Sweet sister,†he murmured hoarsely. He had deep blue eyes and a mouth made for smiles, but he was not smiling now. He looked worn and tired, battered by battle and haggard from strain. His neck was bandaged where he had taken a wound. Catelyn hugged him fiercely. â€Å"Your grief is mine, Cat,†he said when they broke apart. â€Å"When we heard about Lord Eddard . . . the Lannisters will pay, I swear it, you will have your vengeance.†â€Å"Will that bring Ned back to me?†she said sharply. The wound was still too fresh for softer words. She could not think about Ned now. She would not. It would not do. She had to be strong. â€Å"All that will keep. I must see Father.†â€Å"He awaits you in his solar,†Edmure said. â€Å"Lord Hoster is bedridden, my lady,†her father's steward explained. When had that good man grown so old and grey? â€Å"He instructed me to bring you to him at once.†â€Å"I'll take her.†Edmure escorted her up the water stair and across the lower bailey, where Petyr Baelish and Brandon Stark had once crossed swords for her favor. The massive sandstone walls of the keep loomed above them. As they pushed through a door between two guardsmen in fish-crest helms, she asked, â€Å"How bad is he?†dreading the answer even as she said the words. Edmure's look was somber. â€Å"He will not be with us long, the maesters say. The pain is . . . constant, and grievous.†A blind rage filled her, a rage at all the world; at her brother Edmure and her sister Lysa, at the Lannisters, at the maesters, at Ned and her father and the monstrous gods who would take them both away from her. â€Å"You should have told me,†she said. â€Å"You should have sent word as soon as you knew.†â€Å"He forbade it. He did not want his enemies to know that he was dying. With the realm so troubled, he feared that if the Lannisters suspected how frail he was . . . â€Å" †. . . they might attack?†Catelyn finished, hard. It was your doing, yours, a voice whispered inside her. If you had not taken it upon yourself to seize the dwarf . . . They climbed the spiral stair in silence. The keep was three-sided, like Riverrun itself, and Lord Hoster's solar was triangular as well, with a stone balcony that jutted out to the east like the prow of some great sandstone ship. From there the lord of the castle could look down on his walls and battlements, and beyond, to where the waters met. They had moved her father's bed out onto the balcony. â€Å"He likes to sit in the sun and watch the rivers,†Edmure explained. â€Å"Father, see who I've brought. Cat has come to see you . . . â€Å" Hoster Tully had always been a big man; tall and broad in his youth, portly as he grew older. Now he seemed shrunken, the muscle and meat melted off his bones. Even his face sagged. The last time Catelyn had seen him, his hair and beard had been brown, well streaked with grey. Now they had gone white as snow. His eyes opened to the sound of Edmure's voice. â€Å"Little cat,†he murmured in a voice thin and wispy and wracked by pain. â€Å"My little cat.†A tremulous smile touched his face as his hand groped for hers. â€Å"I watched for you . . . â€Å" â€Å"I shall leave you to talk,†her brother said, kissing their lord father gently on the brow before he withdrew. Catelyn knelt and took her father's hand in hers. It was a big hand, but fleshless now, the bones moving loosely under the skin, all the strength gone from it. â€Å"You should have told me,†she said. â€Å"A rider, a raven . . . â€Å" â€Å"Riders are taken, questioned,†he answered. â€Å"Ravens are brought down . . . †A spasm of pain took him, and his fingers clutched hers hard. â€Å"The crabs are in my belly . . . pinching, always pinching. Day and night. They have fierce claws, the crabs. Maester Vyman makes me dreamwine, milk of the poppy . . . I sleep a lot . . . but I wanted to be awake to see you, when you came. I was afraid . . . when the Lannisters took your brother, the camps all around us . . . was afraid I would go, before I could see you again . . . I was afraid . . . â€Å" â€Å"I'm here, Father,†she said. â€Å"With Robb, my son. He'll want to see you too.†â€Å"Your boy,†he whispered. â€Å"He had my eyes, I remember . . . â€Å" â€Å"He did, and does. And we've brought you Jaime Lannister, in irons. Riverrun is free again, Father.†Lord Hoster smiled. â€Å"I saw. Last night, when it began, I told them . . . had to see. They carried me to the gatehouse . . . watched from the battlements. Ah, that was beautiful . . . the torches came in a wave, I could hear the cries floating across the river . . . sweet cries . . . when that siege tower went up, gods . . . would have died then, and glad, if only I could have seen you children first. Was it your boy who did it? Was it your Robb?†â€Å"Yes,†Catelyn said, fiercely proud. â€Å"It was Robb . . . and Brynden. Your brother is here as well, my lord.†â€Å"Him.†Her father's voice was a faint whisper. â€Å"The Blackfish . . . came back? From the Vale?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"And Lysa?†A cool wind moved through his thin white hair. â€Å"Gods be good, your sister . . . did she come as well?†He sounded so full of hope and yearning that it was hard to tell the truth. â€Å"No. I'm sorry . . . â€Å" â€Å"Oh.†His face fell, and some light went out of his eyes. â€Å"I'd hoped I would have liked to see her, before . . . â€Å" â€Å"She's with her son, in the Eyrie.†Lord Hoster gave a weary nod. â€Å"Lord Robert now, poor Arryn's gone . . . I remember . . . why did she not come with you?†â€Å"She is frightened, my lord. In the Eyrie she feels safe.†She kissed his wrinkled brow. â€Å"Robb will be waiting. Will you see him? And Brynden?†â€Å"Your son,†he whispered. â€Å"Yes. Cat's child . . . he had my eyes, I remember. When he was born. Bring him . . . yes.†â€Å"And your brother?†Her father glanced out over the rivers. â€Å"Blackfish,†he said. â€Å"Has he wed yet? Taken some . . . girl to wife?†Even on his deathbed, Catelyn thought sadly. â€Å"He has not wed. You know that, Father. Nor will he ever.†â€Å"I told him . . . commanded him. Marry! I was his lord. He knows. My right, to make his match. A good match. A Redwyne. Old House. Sweet girl, pretty . . . freckles . . . Bethany, yes. Poor child. Still waiting. Yes. Still . . . â€Å" â€Å"Bethany Redwyne wed Lord Rowan years ago,†Catelyn reminded him. â€Å"She has three children by him.†â€Å"Even so,†Lord Hoster muttered. â€Å"Even so. Spit on the girl. The Redwynes. Spit on me. His lord, his brother . . . that Blackfish. I had other offers. Lord Bracken's girl. Walder Frey . . . any of three, he said . . . Has he wed? Anyone? Anyone?†â€Å"No one,†Catelyn said, â€Å"yet he has come many leagues to see you, fighting his way back to Riverrun. I would not be here now, if Ser Brynden had not helped us.†â€Å"He was ever a warrior,†her father husked. â€Å"That he could do. Knight of the Gate, yes.†He leaned back and closed his eyes, inutterably weary. â€Å"Send him. Later. I'll sleep now. Too sick to fight. Send him up later, the Blackfish . . . â€Å" Catelyn kissed him gently, smoothed his hair, and left him there in the shade of his keep, with his rivers flowing beneath. He was asleep before she left the solar. When she returned to the lower bailey, Ser Brynden Tully stood on the water stairs with wet boots, talking with the captain of Riverrun's guards. He came to her at once. â€Å"Is heâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Dying,†she said. â€Å"As we feared.†Her uncle's craggy face showed his pain plain. He ran his fingers through his thick grey hair. â€Å"Will he see me?†She nodded. â€Å"He says he is too sick to fight.†Brynden Blackfish chuckled. â€Å"I am too old a soldier to believe that. Hoster will be chiding me about the Redwyne girl even as we light his funeral pyre, damn his bones.†Catelyn smiled, knowing it was true. â€Å"I do not see Robb.†â€Å"He went with Greyjoy to the hall, I believe.†Theon Greyjoy was seated on a bench in Riverrun's Great Hall, enjoying a horn of ale and regaling her father's garrison with an account of the slaughter in the Whispering Wood. â€Å"Some tried to flee, but we'd pinched the valley shut at both ends, and we rode out of the darkness with sword and lance. The Lannisters must have thought the Others themselves were on them when that wolf of Robb's got in among them. I saw him tear one man's arm from his shoulder, and their horses went mad at the scent of him. I couldn't tell you how many men were thrownâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Theon,†she interrupted, â€Å"where might I find my son?†â€Å"Lord Robb went to visit the godswood, my lady.†It was what Ned would have done. He is his father's son as much as mine, I must remember. Oh, gods, Ned . . . She found Robb beneath the green canopy of leaves, surrounded by tall redwoods and great old elms, kneeling before the heart tree, a slender weirwood with a face more sad than fierce. His longsword was before him, the point thrust in the earth, his gloved hands clasped around the hilt. Around him others knelt: Greatjon Umber, Rickard Karstark, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, and more. Even Tytos Blackwood was among them, the great raven cloak fanned out behind him. These are the ones who keep the old gods, she realized. She asked herself what gods she kept these days, and could not find an answer. It would not do to disturb them at their prayers. The gods must have their due . . . even cruel gods who would take Ned from her, and her lord father as well. So Catelyn waited. The river wind moved through the high branches, and she could see the Wheel Tower to her right, ivy crawling up its side. As she stood there, all the memories came flooding back to her. Her father had taught her to ride amongst these trees, and that was the elm that Edmure had fallen from when he broke his arm, and over there, beneath that bower, she and Lysa had played at kissing with Petyr. She had not thought of that in years. How young they all had beenâ€â€she no older than Sansa, Lysa younger than Arya, and Petyr younger still, yet eager. The girls had traded him between them, serious and giggling by turns. It came back to her so vividly she could almost feel his sweaty fingers on her shoulders and taste the mint on his breath. There was always mint growing in the godswood, and Petyr had liked to chew it. He had been such a bold little boy, always in trouble. â€Å"He tried to put his tongue in my mouth,†Catelyn had confessed to her sister afterward, when they were alone. â€Å"He did with me too,†Lysa had whispered, shy and breathless. â€Å"I liked it.†Robb got to his feet slowly and sheathed his sword, and Catelyn found herself wondering whether her son had ever kissed a girl in the godswood. Surely he must have. She had seen Jeyne Poole giving him moist-eyed glances, and some of the serving girls, even ones as old as eighteen . . . he had ridden in battle and killed men with a sword, surely he had been kissed. There were tears in her eyes. She wiped them away angrily. â€Å"Mother,†Robb said when he saw her standing there. â€Å"We must call a council. There are things to be decided.†â€Å"Your grandfather would like to see you,†she said. â€Å"Robb, he's very sick.†â€Å"Ser Edmure told me. I am sorry, Mother . . . for Lord Hoster and for you. Yet first we must meet. We've had word from the south. Renly Baratheon has claimed his brother's crown.†â€Å"Renly?†she said, shocked. â€Å"I had thought, surely it would be Lord Stannis . . . â€Å" â€Å"So did we all, my lady,†Galbart Glover said. The war council convened in the Great Hall, at four long trestle tables arranged in a broken square. Lord Hoster was too weak to attend, asleep on his balcony, dreaming of the sun on the rivers of his youth. Edmure sat in the high seat of the Tullys, with Brynden Blackfish at his side, and his father's bannermen arrayed to right and left and along the side tables. Word of the victory at Riverrun had spread to the fugitive lords of the Trident, drawing them back. Karyl Vance came in, a lord now, his father dead beneath the Golden Tooth. Ser Marq Piper was with him, and they brought a Darry, Ser Raymun's son, a lad no older than Bran. Lord Jonos Bracken arrived from the ruins of Stone Hedge, glowering and blustering, and took a seat as far from Tytos Blackwood as the tables would permit. The northern lords sat opposite, with Catelyn and Robb facing her brother across the tables. They were fewer. The Greatjon sat at Robb's left hand, and then Theon Greyjoy; Galbart Glover and Lady Mormont were to the right of Catelyn. Lord Rickard Karstark, gaunt and hollow-eyed in his grief, took his seat like a man in a nightmare, his long beard uncombed and unwashed. He had left two sons dead in the Whispering Wood, and there was no word of the third, his eldest, who had led the Karstark spears against Tywin Lannister on the Green Fork. The arguing raged on late into the night. Each lord had a right to speak, and speak they did . . . and shout, and curse, and reason, and cajole, and jest, and bargain, and slam tankards on the table, and threaten, and walk out, and return sullen or smiling. Catelyn sat and listened to it all. Roose Bolton had re-formed the battered remnants of their other host at the mouth of the causeway. Ser Helman Tallhart and Walder Frey still held the Twins. Lord Tywin's army had crossed the Trident, and was making for Harrenhal. And there were two kings in the realm. Two kings, and no agreement. Many of the lords bannermen wanted to march on Harrenhal at once, to meet Lord Tywin and end Lannister power for all time. Young, hot-tempered Marq Piper urged a strike west at Casterly Rock instead. Still others counseled patience. Riverrun sat athwart the Lannister supply lines, Jason Mallister pointed out; let them bide their time, denying Lord Tywin fresh levies and provisions while they strengthened their defenses and rested their weary troops. Lord Blackwood would have none of it. They should finish the work they began in the Whispering Wood. March to Harrenhal and bring Roose Bolton's army down as well. What Blackwood urged, Bracken opposed, as ever; Lord Jonos Bracken rose to insist they ought pledge their fealty to King Renly, and move south to join their might to his. â€Å"Renly is not the king,†Robb said. It was the first time her son had spoken. Like his father, he knew how to listen. â€Å"You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my lord,†Galbart Glover said. â€Å"He put your father to death.†â€Å"That makes him evil,†Robb replied. â€Å"I do not know that it makes Renly king. Joffrey is still Robert's eldest trueborn son, so the throne is rightfully his by all the laws of the realm. Were he to die, and I mean to see that he does, he has a younger brother. Tommen is next in line after Joffrey.†â€Å"Tommen is no less a Lannister,†Ser Marq Piper snapped. â€Å"As you say,†said Robb, troubled. â€Å"Yet if neither one is king, still, how could it be Lord Renly? He's Robert's younger brother. Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me, and Renly can't be king before Lord Stannis.†Lady Mormont agreed. â€Å"Lord Stannis has the better claim.†â€Å"Renly is crowned,†said Marq Piper. â€Å"Highgarden and Storm's End support his claim, and the Dornishmen will not be laggardly. If Winterfell and Riverrun add their strength to his, he will have five of the seven great houses behind him. Six, if the Arryns bestir themselves! Six against the Rock! My lords, within the year, we will have all their heads on pikes, the queen and the boy king, Lord Tywin, the Imp, the Kingslayer, Ser Kevan, all of them! That is what we shall win if we join with King Renly. What does Lord Stannis have against that, that we should cast it all aside?†â€Å"The right,†said Robb stubbornly. Catelyn thought he sounded eerily like his father as he said it. â€Å"So you mean us to declare for Stannis?†asked Edmure. â€Å"I don't know,†said Robb. â€Å"I prayed to know what to do, but the gods did not answer. The Lannisters killed my father for a traitor, and we know that was a lie, but if Joffrey is the lawful king and we fight against him, we will be traitors.†â€Å"My lord father would urge caution,†aged Ser Stevron said, with the weaselly smile of a Frey. â€Å"Wait, let these two kings play their game of thrones. When they are done fighting, we can bend our knees to the victor, or oppose him, as we choose. With Renly arming, likely Lord Tywin would welcome a truce . . . and the safe return of his son. Noble lords, allow me to go to him at Harrenhal and arrange good terms and ransoms . . . â€Å" A roar of outrage drowned out his voice. â€Å"Craven!†the Greatjon thundered. â€Å"Begging for a truce will make us seem weak,†declared Lady Mormont. â€Å"Ransoms be damned, we must not give up the Kingslayer,†shouted Rickard Karstark. â€Å"Why not a peace?†Catelyn asked. The lords looked at her, but it was Robb's eyes she felt, his and his alone. â€Å"My lady, they murdered my lord father, your husband,†he said grimly. He unsheathed his longsword and laid it on the table before him, the bright steel on the rough wood. â€Å"This is the only peace I have for Lannisters.†The Greatjon bellowed his approval, and other men added their voices, shouting and drawing swords and pounding their fists on the table. Catelyn waited until they had quieted. â€Å"My lords,†she said then, â€Å"Lord Eddard was your liege, but I shared his bed and bore his children. Do you think I love him any less than you?†Her voice almost broke with her grief, but Catelyn took a long breath and steadied herself. â€Å"Robb, if that sword could bring him back, I should never let you sheathe it until Ned stood at my side once more . . . but he is gone, and hundred Whispering Woods will not change that. Ned is gone, and Daryn Hornwood, and Lord Karstark's valiant sons, and many other good men besides, and none of them will return to us. Must we have more deaths still?†â€Å"You are a woman, my lady,†the Greatjon rumbled in his deep voice. â€Å"Women do not understand these things.†â€Å"You are the gentle sex,†said Lord Karstark, with the lines of grief fresh on his face. â€Å"A man has a need for vengeance.†â€Å"Give me Cersei Lannister, Lord Karstark, and you would see how gentle a woman can be,†Catelyn replied. â€Å"Perhaps I do not understand tactics and strategy . . . but I understand futility. We went to war when Lannister armies were ravaging the riverlands, and Ned was a prisoner, falsely accused of treason. We fought to defend ourselves, and to win my lord's freedom. â€Å"Well, the one is done, and the other forever beyond our reach. I will mourn for Ned until the end of my days, but I must think of the living. I want my daughters back, and the queen holds them still. If I must trade our four Lannisters for their two Starks, I will call that a bargain and thank the gods. I want you safe, Robb, ruling at Winterfell from your father's seat. I want you to live your life, to kiss a girl and wed a woman and father a son. I want to write an end to this. I want to go home, my lords, and weep for my husband.†The hall was very quiet when Catelyn finished speaking. â€Å"Peace,†said her uncle Brynden. â€Å"Peace is sweet, my lady . . . but on what terms? It is no good hammering your sword into a plowshare if you must forge it again on the morrow.†â€Å"What did Torrhen and my Eddard die for, if I am to return to Karhold with nothing but their bones?†asked Rickard Karstark. â€Å"Aye,†said Lord Bracken. â€Å"Gregor Clegane laid waste to my fields, slaughtered my smallfolk, and left Stone Hedge a smoking ruin. Am I now to bend the knee to the ones who sent him? What have we fought for, if we are to put all back as it was before?†Lord Blackwood agreed, to Catelyn's surprise and dismay. â€Å"And if we do make peace with King Joffrey, are we not then traitors to King Renly? What if the stag should prevail against the lion, where would that leave us?†â€Å"Whatever you may decide for yourselves, I shall never call a Lannister my king,†declared Marq Piper. â€Å"Nor I!†yelled the little Darry boy. â€Å"I never will!†Again the shouting began. Catelyn sat despairing. She had come so close, she thought. They had almost listened, almost . . . but the moment was gone. There would be no peace, no chance to heal, no safety. She looked at her son, watched him as he listened to the lords debate, frowning, troubled, yet wedded to his war. He had pledged himself to marry a daughter of Walder Frey, but she saw his true bride plain before her now: the sword he had laid on the table. Catelyn was thinking of her girls, wondering if she would ever see them again, when the Greatjon lurched to his feet. â€Å"MY LORDS!†he shouted, his voice booming off the rafters. â€Å"Here is what I say to these two kings!†He spat. †Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine, from some flowery seat in Highgarden or Dorne? What do they know of the Wall or the wolfswood or the barrows of the First Men? Even their gods are wrong. The Others take the Lannisters too, I've had a bellyful of them.†He reached back over his shoulder and drew his immense two-handed greatsword. â€Å"Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the dragons we married, and the dragons are all dead!†He pointed at Robb with the blade. â€Å"There sits the only king I mean to bow my knee to, m'lords,†he thundered. â€Å"The King in the North!†And he knelt, and laid his sword at her son's feet. â€Å"I'll have peace on those terms,†Lord Karstark said. â€Å"They can keep their red castle and their iron chair as well.†He eased his longsword from its scabbard. â€Å"The King in the North!†he said, kneeling beside the Greatjon. Maege Mormont stood. â€Å"The King of Winter!†she declared, and laid her spiked mace beside the swords. And the river lords were rising too, Blackwood and Bracken and Mallister, houses who had never been ruled from Winterfell, yet Catelyn watched them rise and draw their blades, bending their knees and shouting the old words that had not been heard in the realm for more than three hundred years, since Aegon the Dragon had come to make the Seven Kingdoms one . . . yet now were heard again, ringing from the timbers of her father's hall: â€Å"The King in the North!†â€Å"The King in the North!†â€Å"THE KING IN THE NORTH!â€
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Marketing Plan: Johnson & Johnson Essay
Marketing Plan: J & J DiaperOrganizational OverviewBackground on Johnson & JohnsonIn 1886, Robert Johnson joined his two brothers, James and Edward Johnson and went into business in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey with 14 employees. They incorporated as Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) in 1887. One of JNJ’s most well known products was Johnson’s Baby Powder, which was originally to sooth skin irritation in 1890. This led to a line of baby products with the marketing slogan, â€Å"Best for your baby, best for you.†Some of JNJ’s most well known products are Band-aid, Tylenol and the antipsychotic drug, Haldol. JNJ has been a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange since 1944. The company’s ticker is JNJ. They boast 72 consecutive years of increased sales and 44 consecutive years of dividend increases. Part of JNJ’s success is contributed to their innovation and continued development of new products. Mission StatementJNJ does not have a simple mission statement but a one page document titled, â€Å"Our Credo.†The beginning paragraph of â€Å"Our Credo,†is as follows:We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit. Geographic LocationCurrently JNJ is parent to 230 companies throughout the world, all of which currently and historically market health care products. The principal office is located in New Brunswick, New Jersey and employs 116,000 employees in 57 countries worldwide. Product MixThe business segments of Johnson & Johnson include consumer, medical devices and diagnostics, and pharmaceutical. Each segment has numerous companies and product lines. Our product will be part of the consumer segment and a product line of Johnson’s Baby. Product DescriptionAfter much research JNJ decided to create a diaper in conjunction with Balmex diaper rash cream. Balmex is a successful product of JNJ and has been pediatrician recommended for over 50 years. Balmex reduces redness from diaper rash within hours. (Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies Inc. 2006) The question the research team faced was how to prevent diaper rash instead of treating diaper rash. The answer that they came to was to get Balmex to the skin before the rash had a chance to develop. This idea is behind the creation of the brand new JNJ diaper. SWOTT AnalysisThis SWOTT analysis will attempt to uncover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends associated to this new product of JNJ diapers with Balmex. StrengthsJNJ is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of health care products. The company has a strong product portfolio and has developed a well recognized name amongst parents for their child care needs. This strong brand image puts the company at an advantage when it comes to launching new products. The company is in a healthy financial position that allows the company to provide the resources necessary to exploit opportunities and promote their products heavily. Balmex is a well established product and has been recommended by pediatricians for over 50 years. This type of trust will automatically generate sales for the company. Balmex treated diapers would not only treat a diaper rash but prevent one from occurring. This new product in not only more convenient, but much less messier than the alternative of applying a thick cream that is difficult to wash off the skin. The company already has developed the application process of this product through an existing product line, Carefree Panty liners. This will save the company from having to do the research from top to bottom for this new product line. WeaknessesLike any new product, time and money needs to be spent on researching, developing and marketing. Customer demand needs to be created for this new product and this will require plenty of resources to accomplish this task. The diaper industry is a new market for JNJ and it will be tough for the company to establish itself in this industry. Having a well established brand helps, however; Huggies and Pampers has dominated this industry for a very long time and breaking into this new territory is going to require a very expensive marketing campaign. OpportunityDisposable diapers make up an industry worth over $19 billion a year worldwide. This new diaper will allow JNJ to tap into this lucrative industry with a distinctive and innovative diaper that has not been developed up until now. This product has the possibility of being a huge success for JNJ and can contribute to the company’s financial position. ThreatsSafety concerns are always an issue especially when developing a product used by children. JNJ needs to be prepared for claims associated with misleading advertising, inappropriate use of the product and allergic reactions that some babies may develop. JNJ invests plenty of money on trials and developing their products, however; does not always guaranty that something will not go wrong. Competition is also a major threat for JNJ. Huggies and Pampers have dominated the diaper industry for quite sometime. If this new product establishes a new demand with the customers in this industry it will not take long for these companies to produce and distribute their own versions of these types of diapers. TrendsIn today’s society, consumers are always looking for a product that will make their lives much simpler. The majority of parent’s both work or even raise their children as a single parent. This product capitalizes on this demand to make lives as simple as possible by saving parents the hassle of having to apply a messy heavy cream to prevent their children from developing or treating a diaper rash. This trend will only continue into the future and JNJ needs to keep this in mind when developing a new product. Market ResearchIn order for Johnson and Johnson to get a new product to the right consumer, they must first divide the market and then target a smaller portion of that market. The process of segmentation is basically those buyers JNJ is looking for that share the same needs and have same buying behaviors. The purpose of segmentation allows narrowing down the same needs and buying behaviors they are looking for in a target market. There are several ways segmentation can help JNJ to find their target consumers. They include the geography, the psychographics, social-cultural graphics, and demography. Johnson and Johnson will have to evaluate all four bases in order to find an ideal customer. The geographical base is probably the least important factor on the segmentation criteria, although it is important, there are other factors that are more crucial. Depending on where the consumers shop and live can also depend on availability of a product. If a consumer lives in a more rural area, there may not be a distribution of the new product. However, the internet has made it possible to reach consumers in remote areas and make it possible for them to buy products that are not available in their area. The psychographics of the targeted consumers is one of the most important aspects on what will make the consumer buy into the product. Since our new product is directed towards convenience and prevention, we want to know what the lifestyles of our consumers are like. Specifically, we are looking for parents who are on the go, but are still concerned for their child’s healthcare. This new product will better suit those parents who are very active in their daily lives. The behavior bases such as the social-graphics provide a sense of reassurance to all current JNJ customers. â€Å"The fundamental objective of Johnson & Johnson is to provide scientifically sound, high quality products and services to help heal, cure disease and improve the quality of life.† (Johnson and, 2002) Many people buy these products because JNJ is a well established company that has been around since 1886; therefore, some of these consumers will want to consider trying out a new and improved product. Also the fact that most of JNJ products are pediatrician recommended has in itself helped to establish the level of trust consumers feel towards the brand and know that these products will not harm their children. The demographics for this new product will be the most important factor for the targeted market. The consumer’s age will typically define what maturity level is buying the product. Typically older parents ranging in age from 25 years to 35 years have the means to take better of their children’s healthcare needs than younger parents ranging in age from 16 years to 25 years. The parents in the older age bracket are generally better established in their full-time careers, both working full-time jobs and are always on the go; whereas, the younger parents are barely trying to get a head start and can not afford the convenience. Family size is also another factor because the larger the family, the more likely the parents are concerned with the cost of the product. Studies have shown that smaller families are more willing to try new products and are not as concerned with the price as bigger families tend to be. Occupation is another important factor of demographics. With rising costs most families need dual incomes in order to cover their cost of living. As a result of both parents working, parents are more strapped for time; therefore, if a product proves to be more convenient they may be willing to pay a little extra for this convenience. After analyzing all the segmented bases we are closer to realizing the target market of consumers for this product. We have found that the target market for our product is the older parents as opposed to the very young ones who have one or two children. The majority of our market will be families with dual incomes looking for the convenience that our product will offer to them. This market will buy our product due to the level of trust they have in our brand from pediatrician recommendations and brand recognition. Most likely these parents will be from urban and metropolis areas who will have easy access to our product as a result of our distribution. However, most importantly our target market will be parents who want to make sure their children are healthy and free from any infections or irritations due to diaper rashes, but at the same time looking for the convenience of this 2 in 1 product. Competitors and the Competitive LandscapeJNJ has created a revolutionary product, a 2-in-1 diaper with diaper rash cream that makes changing diapers easier for the consumer. This no mess, one step diaper promises to prevent non-fungal diaper rash instead of just treating it. JNJ already has over 50 years of experience with its current diaper rash product Balmex. JNJ decided to take its very effective, well known diaper rash cream and add a new twist. Now parents will not only treat a baby for diaper rash, but they will prevent non-fungal rashes from occurring. One problem that JNJ faces is anticipating who will buy this product and how much one will pay for this convenience this product offers. Since there is currently no item like this diaper on the market, there is no secondary research for JNJ to build upon. The only facts that JNJ has is the effectiveness and popularity of Balmex. Before JNJ can present this product to the public it must conduct primary research to determine whether or not the diaper can compete in the market of diapers and diaper rash creams. JNJ has a long history with its customers and has been able to successfully meet their needs over this period of time. JNJ first began in 1887 with creating sterile dressing for surgical procedures, reducing the risk of infection. By 1897 they were named â€Å"The Most Trusted Name in Surgical Dressings†(J&J, 2006). In 1890, JNJ baby powder, the original treatment of diaper rash was introduced. In 1948, JNJ was the first company to create the disposable diaper (GPOABS). In 1951, Balmex was created to treat diaper rash (J&J, 2006). It was not until 1961 that Pampers were introduced and in 1968 Huggies hit the market (GPOABS, 2005). JNJ has been caring for families for over a century in a variety of ways. Not only did JNJ produce over 90 percent of surgical dressings in the late 1800’s, but they protected families during the Great Depression by assuring none of the workers lost their jobs. JNJ has also protected families through its products and pharmaceuticals (J&J, 2006). This extensive history provides JNJ with a loyal consumer base, and the knowledge of filling the needs and wants of its consumers. While JNJ does not currently market a diaper, it has made diapers in the past. JNJ also has the advantage of studying other companies’ diapers and understanding what works best and why. Through this secondary research that was available to JNJ we are able to create a diaper that could promise the same breathable, stretchable, compact fit that other diapers offer. Now JNJ can exceed what the other diapers promise, by being able to provide the first diaper that will prevent non-fungal diaper rashes. These new diapers will not only prevent diaper rash and be just as comfortable as other diapers, they will cost the same amount as Pampers, the current most expensive diapers. Since most families are always on-the-go, the hassle of applying messing diaper rash cream in neither convenient nor time saving. A baby with diaper rash also means a baby that is more irritable from skin irritation. JNJ diapers will prevent non-fungal rashes reducing a baby’s irritability from rashes. JNJ’s diapers will be both convenient by eliminating the need for excess messy products and provide the baby with healthier skin that is not provided by the competitors. It is crucial for a company such as JNJ to market their new product line accordingly to add to their success. They must be able to communicate their marketing message in such a way that their targeted group will be interested in what they have to offer. By using their available resources to the fullest extent, they will be able to generate more revenue. The goal to promoting the new product line is to be acquainted with the selected buyers. Since this will be a completely new product for this industry and company, JNJ has to take on a strong position and really be prepared to overcome the challenges that may arise. JNJ must consider what their consumers are looking for in a diaper. If they can successfully determine the needs and wants of those purchasing diapers, they will be able to expand their cliental. They should evaluate their current customer base and determine how to maintain their loyalty when purchasing diapers. By identifying their current market group and considering some of their demographics such as income and also looking into their life-style, how often will they need or use the product and the loyalty of their customer base. Another important factor for the marketing plan is to focus more on the benefits of the product. They must pay special attention to the direct needs of the purchaser. They must be able to understand and deliver how a customer will profit by this new product. Recognizing the needs of the consumers will help in convincing them to buy their products, which will lead to more sales revenue. Consumers are really buying products that will bring them convenience, save money and time. The more JNJ knows about their customers and competitors the more they will be successful. Since this product line will be completely new, they must work out all the negative drawbacks that may come up so it does not affect the company’s reputation as a family friendly organization. This product will be targeted to the type of parents that want convenience and with the least amount of hassle that will fit into their busy schedules of juggling work and raising a family at the same time. At JNJ the company understands the need to make life as easy as possible for these working parents and has discovered this new market opportunity that has the potential to be a highly demanded product in the disposable diaper industry. In the United States, $8.5 billion a year is spent on disposable diapers. Currently there are two big companies who own a large portion of this market, Procter & Gamble (Pampers) and Kimberly-Clark (Huggies). JNJ does not currently produce diapers; however, they have developed a brand association amongst parents of being a dependable and trustworthy company for their childcare needs. Obviously, the company’s main priority is to increase sales and profits for the company; however, they also wish to sustain the trust that has developed through the years with a new product that is what the consumer wants, needs and depends upon. Using the five-step marketing research approach, JNJ has developed the route for the new product; JNJ Diapers with Balmex. Step one requires that research objectives are set by having a clear understanding about the type of research needed to introduce the product to the market. By using casual research, JNJ will try to determine if adding diaper rash cream to diapers will actually motivate consumers to buy the product. Casual research tries to determine if a change in one factor changes another one. This type of research would best suit the purpose of JNJ because Balmex is a product that already works; however, the company hopes to make that product even better and create the need and demand in the targeted market. Step two is to develop the research plan by specifying the constraints on the research activity, identifying the data needed for marketing decisions, and determining how to collect the data (Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz & Rudelius, 2006). The constraints on this project fall heavily on time and money needed to do research; however, JNJ is a large corporation that can afford the necessary funds to develop and do the required R&D. Even so, it is important to establish the budget and time that will be allocated to this research. The type of data that is needed needs to be collected by sampling from a population that is most likely to use the diaper. This product is targeted to a specific market and for that reason there must be a parameter set up with precise rules to select that sample. This type of sampling is referred to as probability sampling. Step three is collecting relevant information. Since this product has never been developed before, it is important to collect primary data for this research by using questionnaire data placed in specific magazines targeted towards parents. Also Internet surveys will be conducted on JNJ websites. JNJ will offer incentives to those that participate in these surveys by sending free samples of existing product lines. By offering these types of incentives JNJ hope not only to target the specific diaper market, but possibly develop a wider consumer base for existing products. Step four is the development of the findings collected. After relevant information has been collected the data needs to be analyzed carefully. The last step will require JNJ to implement a marketing action once all data has been reviewed and possible recommendations have been considered. Finally, JNJ will need to constantly evaluate the results by comparing profits with goals established for this product. Positioning and DifferentiationJNJ’s new rash-free diaper will be more convenient and effective for parents compared to what is offered by the other leading brands. This will give JNJ a competitive advantage over the market place with a product that is differentiated amongst existing products and will help them to gain a customer base in a heavily dominated market. What differentiates JNJ’s product from all the other products is that the new diaper is a modification to an existing product. JNJ does not currently produce diapers, however; they do produce and sell diaper rash cream. This new product will be a combination of both products and will add efficiency and effectiveness for the parents when changing their baby’s diapers. It will also aid with the prevention of diaper rashes for small children and give parents a new option when choosing a diaper for their childcare needs. JNJ will have to continue to redesign and improve their product process. One of the key elements to positioning this new product is through the research and development. This is where they can solve any current problems they may have against the product and through technology help aid in new findings and possibly better the product with new inventions. Research and development needs to be an ongoing process that never stops because it won’t take long before the competitors are doing it better and more efficient than you are. JNJ has already positioned themselves as a common household name. Many consumers feel a certain level of trust when hearing or seeing their famous trademark because JNJ has been in the health and baby care business for the past 60 years. JNJ is committed to helping people live longer and healthier lives. Since JNJ has already established a large consumer base, the immediate challenge will be to heavily promote this new product into their existing product lines. Product Life CycleThe first step in the product life cycle of JNJ’s new baby diaper is the market introduction. The initial expectation is that sales will be low as customers will not be aware of nor will they be looking for a diaper made by JNJ. Promotion will be essential during the introduction stage. Even with significant promotion, it may take some time for potential customers to learn about the availability and the advantages of using JNJ’s new diaper. JNJ further expects to experience a loss on this product during the initial market introduction due to product, promotion and place expenses. JNJ should expect a prolonged introduction phase because it is trying to take a share of an established market. Customers who are content with their current diaper choice may not be too eager to switch brands. The most likely customer will be people who have become recent parents and have received various types of promotion from JNJ. The next phase in JNJ’s new diaper life cycle is the market growth stage. JNJ expects both new and experienced parents to purchase the new rash free diaper. During the market growth stage, JNJ will experience rapid growth and exposure. The diaper will initially experience strong profits. During this phase, JNJ will experience its largest profits from this new product. It is JNJ’s expectation that the competitors will produce a similar product in approximately three months from the market introduction. If JNJ ignores the competition during this stage, it could be devastating to the success of this product. It will be essential to the success of this product to win over and maintain the customers who are already using JNJ baby care products by stressing and promoting the trust that they have developed through the years with their Balmex diaper rash cream. The third phase of JNJ’s new rash free diaper will be the maturity stage. During this stage the competition will get stiffer and JNJ should expect lower prices from the competitors. The competitors may also spend more money on promotion while fighting to keep their share of the market. The competitors have a lot at stake and will fight hard to keep their customers. During this stage JNJ needs to concentrate of reinventing the product by considering revisions to the marketing mix primarily focusing on promotion. The last stage in the new diapers life cycle will be the sales decline stage. The primary reason for sales to decline is a vigorous product war from the competitors. They will essentially duplicate JNJ’s new diaper and try to make it better. They will lower their prices and spend more on promotion. At this stage, the competitors will usually drive the small organizations out of business. However, lucky for JNJ, the company is too large to be easily driven out of the marketplace; therefore, the other diaper companies will have to fight long and hard to hold on to as much of their customer base as possible by relying on generational experience and loyalty. The United States is experiencing rapid population growth which means new families are being created everyday. This is good news for JNJ as new families develop; new potential customers are born everyday. Between July 2004 and July 2005, the countries population grew by 2.8 million people. The southwest portion of the United States saw the most growth. California has remained the most populous state in the country with 36.1 million people. Nevada has been the fastest growing state for 19 consecutive years with a growth rate of 3.5%. Arizona is a close second with a growth rate of just under 3.5% (U.S. Census, 2005). JNJ must concentrate developing new life cycles and reinventing the product in areas with significant growth patterns. With the right strategy JNJ will overcome the sales decline phase by reintroducing the rash free diaper to new families by including the new diapers into the marketing mix already in place for other JNJ products. Marketing MixProduct StrategyThe JNJ pre-medicated diapers are made with the same high quality cotton as their sterile surgical supplies. The otter shell is soft to touch and breathable. There is elastic around the legs and back allowing for baby to move freely without the parents need to fear of leaking. There is a tab on either side of the waist that is re-adjustable. The center of the diaper is filled with a dry gelatin substance that is capable of absorbing 500 milliliters of fluid. The inner liner of the diaper is made of cotton and has a very thin layer of Balmex applied in a three inch by six inch area. Last there is a wax paper cover over the Balmex which must be removed before the diaper is applied. Each diaper is wrapped in an airtight thin plastic pouch. These pre-medicated diapers are designed with the concept of keeping a babies’ skin healthy. For that reason all materials used are hypo-allergenic and have been tested of a variety of skin types. All materials used are breathable and latex free. None of the materials used have been tested on animals. The diapers are guaranteed to keep fresh as long as outer plastic bag is kept intact. If there should be some malfunction of the diaper or should the baby develop a reaction JNJ will refund the full purchase cost. Place StrategyJohnson & Johnson foresees the new rash free diaper being carried primarily as retail item. These retail stores would probably include baby care sections and a wide array of baby care products. These stores are usually located in or near densely populated areaswith a large and diverse customer base. Due to the explosion of urban sprawl and rapid population growth, more families shop at these types of retail outlets. Before organizational buyers begin to carry our unique product, we will conduct surveys to help us narrow down the right consumer groups. Data from the surveys taken will determine whether or not this product would be viable in a market that is diverse and unpredictable. Price, place, promotions, and our product must be considered. Targeting marketable locations through marketing surveys will help us to better understand the locations that we will make our product available and it will also enable us to create a reasonable price that will meet our costs and profit requirements and those of the consumers buying our product. Promotions through personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, direct mail, trade fairs, exhibitions, advertising and sponsorship will help us to create the demand and the awareness of our new product. Retail stores are mostly profit organizations that are concerned with revenue. If the organization is unable to make a certain amount of profit they simply choose not to carry our new product. That is why it is so important that we price this product correctly to not only meet the needs and wants of our own and those of our consumers, but also to meet the needs of the organizational buyer. These diapers must also be a product that is demanded by the consumer in order for the retail stores to continue stocking our products. If we are not successful in generating a significant amount of demand, these retail stores will simply discontinue their purchasing of our new product line. Retail generally desires a high inventory turnover rate. They expect JNJ to heavily promote their new product in order to create the demand and if successful will continue to stock our product as long as they continue to move off of their shelves. Another retail concern is the availability of the product. Stores and their consumers do not like to be told that a particular item is on back order. When a store sells items they need to fill that spot on the shelf quickly so more items can be offered for sale. It is a very frustrating situation when the demand for a product can not be met not only for the consumer but the organizational buyer as well. This type of situation results in a significant loss of revenue for the organizational buyer and upsets the consumer that relies on the store to carry the product and will result in loss of business for all parties involved in the transaction. That is why it is very important for our company to understand what that demand will be and have the product available to meet those demands. The diaper has to be consistent with the stores existing product mix. Some retail stores and supermarkets consistently carry baby items while others tend to specialize in just a few specific items. Most important, the product must work and be free of defects. No retail store wants to be associated with a large-scale recall. Another prospective organizational buyer will be daycares and hospitals. These types of venues will offer a great opportunity to introduce our product to consumers. Hospitals will require diapers for newborn babies and ill baby patients. Not only will they desire a service contract but also hospitals tend to give out care packs to the babies’ families when they leave the hospital. Care packs contain baby products including diapers and coupons. Hospitals will expect a certain amount of promotional products. Daycare Centers commonly stock baby care products. Again, this is a great opportunity to establish a relationship with consumers. Daycares contract with companies such as Huggies or Pampers in order to purchase diapers in bulk. Diaper consumers will be family oriented men and woman from a wide range of social economic levels. Many first time parents will be in an experimental stage. They will try different diapers and see what appeals to them the most. Most new parents rely on care packages and samples at the start of parenthood until they form preferences. Children are expensive and parents quickly learn that price is a significant factor. Parents who have experienced diaper rash will want to prevent future occurrences. An experienced parent may be attracted to a diaper that has the cream included as opposed to one where the parent needs to get their hands messy with diaper rash cream. Due to this experience, it is easy to see how pre-medicated baby diapers can save time, money, and frustration; leading to happier moms, dads, and babies. Pricing StrategyIdentifying a pricing strategy for this new diaper will be based on what the competition is already doing in the marketplace. JNJ has decided to price the new diaper at the same price as other leading brands. This will give the company a competitive advantage since consumers can try the convenience that the new diaper offers without the cost of having to pay more. This diaper will understandably cost more to produce than the diapers produced by the competition resulting in a loss of profits, however; JNJ needs to gain a share of the marketplace and sometimes high markups do not always mean big profit (Perrerult & McCarthy, 2004). The pricing strategies will be closely tied to that of the competitors throughout the product cycle. JNJ is prepared for the competition to release their own version of the product; however, they will continue to base their marketing strategies on the experience and trust of Balmex that has been established for the past 50 years. The makers of Pampers and Huggies currently do not produce or have any experience with diaper rash cream and this will be a major advantage for JNJ. Discounts for the product will be offered to new mothers in part of the care package they receive from the hospitals. These discounts will result in a fair amount of profit loss, but hopefully help JNJ to establish a new consumer base. JNJ realizes competition will be intense amongst the other leading brands, but JNJ has the advantage of being a successful and large organization that can withstand the heavy blows that will inevitably be thrown by its competitors. Through constant research, JNJ will continue to find new and innovative ideas to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Promotion StrategyIn July 2007, one month prior to the public launch of the champagne, JNJ will provide free samples to be distributed throughout hospitals and pediatricians offices. These samples will provide money saving coupons and an online diaper club membership. This online diaper club will allow parents to leave reviews and recommendations for the diaper, communicate with other parents, and entitle them to future promotional savings. The diaper club is free, but exclusively for JNJ customers. JNJ will then launch its public diaper champagne in August 2007. This is the usual time when school starts and parents become busier. The promotional angle will be to help simplify and expedite the care of infants and allowing more time with older children. This will allow for the new diaper to circulate for two months before the holiday season. During the holiday season, JNJ will offer addition coupons to increase sales as gift items and personal use purchases. Since the holidays are full of busy schedules and parties to attend, parents can find piece of mind knowing that the new JNJ diapers will grant them much needed time, by reducing the time of diaper changes and eliminating the need to carry excess supplies. JNJ is anticipating competition around April 2008, when other diaper manufactures will be producing their own pre-medicated diapers. At that time JNJ will have a promotional program to match the price of its competitors, should their diaper be less expensive. JNJ will already have a customer base by that time, and with the diaper club will be able to make any necessary changes to their product. After the introduction of competitors, JNJ will focus mainly on the trust that has been developed with their name. In August 2008, JNJ will offer all current customers a substantial money saving coupon, to help celebrate their one year birthday. After this one year mark, JNJ will continue to offer savings through mail and online diaper program, and with the anniversary of their diapers. The diaper will be promoted the same way as the rest of their baby products. Hospitals that currently use JNJ baby products will also be provided with free sample diapers and coupons for all parents. Advertising PlanJNJ pre-medicated diaper advertising will first appear on their website four months prior to the release of the product. Parents can click on this advertisement a chose to be one of the first to use the product for free and provide feedback. Two months prior to release of the diaper, JNJ will begin advertising through commercials. These commercials will focus on the health of babies’ skin, how messy tradition diaper rash creams are, and the busy hectic lives of parents. One month before the product is launched samples of the diaper will be dispersed to parents in hospitals. Two weeks prior to product release, coupons will be sent out in all newspapers. On all sample products and coupons the website for the baby diaper club will be clearly printed. All parents signing-up in the diaper club will receive a welcome package with samples of diapers and other JNJ baby products. When diaper is released, large displays will be set up in major retail stores that already sell other JNJ products. Free samples will be provided along with information on diaper rashes and how to care for a babies’ sensitive skin. Knowledgeable JNJ staff will man each display for the first 3 weekends the product is sold to answer questions and provide information to parents. Pamphlets will be available showing the clinical results of the diapers as well as access to the website. After the initial launch of the product, JNJ will continue to advertise their diapers in the same fashion as they do their other baby products. Through commercials on television, to Internet advertisements, to newspaper circulars there will be a very limited number of Americans who have not heard of JNJ’s new pre-medicated diaper. After one year of use and exposure in the United States, JNJ will launch its diaper throughout the world. Public Relation OpportunityMedia coverage and endorsements from various groups such as First Five will boost the Company’s image. JNJ has had a long history of quality products and quality customer service. Some may say that developing an innovative improvement to the diaper is long over due for a prestigious corporation such as JNJ. The development of a diaper that prevents diaper rash will create a renewed awareness for the JNJ Corporation and all of its products. This product will remind people of JNJ commitment to quality and innovation. Channel ManagementChannel management is as important as setting a reasonable price, providing a quality product and having adequate promotion. JNJ must get the product to the customer in a convenient and timely fashion. Essentially JNJ must keep the selves stock wherever perspective customers expect to find diapers. JNJ will utilize a variety of distribution channels from direct to indirect. JNJ will use a mix of selective channels as well as extensive channels. JNJ will use direct and indirect channels to reach the consumer. For example: JNJ will sell directly to large hospitals and medical groups. Since hospitals and medical groups are going to be parent’s first introduction to baby products; JNJ will directly contact these organizations and attempt to form contracts with them. Having JNJ’s new diaper being used in hospitals and clinics is also a type of promotion for the new product. JNJ will not rely on a middleman to gain such an important business relationship. Another direct channel JNJ will use is their subsidiary, Baby Center. Through the website, Baby Center, JNJ has embrace technology as a form of reaching perspective customers. Baby Center is an interactive information center on the Internet. In addition to researching and networking with others; parents can order products directly from the Internet site. An indirect channel of distribution will be large retailer stores. JNJ will not deal with small stores, as they do not move enough inventory. These retail chains have huge distribution centers strategically located to service their stores. JNJ would deliver their product to these large distribution centers and they the individual chains would worry about getting the product to the selves. Ideally, JNJ wants to move as much product as possible to as few locations as possible. Then the middlemen or retail chains would take it from that point forward. JNJ will practice intensive channel distribution. JNJ expects the majority of retail stores that historically carry baby products to carry JNJ’s baby diaper. Examples of retailer stores JNJ may use are: Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Costco, Sams Club, Walgreens, Sav-On and Rite-Aid. All large supermarket chains would also carry the new diaper. JNJ wants this new diaper to be as available to the consumer as any other diaper. JNJ’s position is not to make the diaper a specialty item that is difficult to locate. JNJ’s aim is to make their diaper a wise and simple alternative to the conventional diapers. JNJ will utilize contractual agreements whenever possible. Contracts will enable JNJ to monitor their inventories coming in from China. These inventories can be trucked directly from the docks to the various regional retailer distribution centers. Storing inventory is very expensive therefore JNJ will strategically plan production levels based on contractual agreements. JNJ will use the same distribution channels used for other baby products therefore shipping costs will be nominal. One way to create a channel is if the retailer is motivated to sell JNJ product. Initially JNJ may have to offer a better profit margin for their diapers than the competitors. This will create channel motivation where the retailers will push JNJ’s diaper over the competitors. By creating this channel motivation, some of the retailers may even promote the diaper on their own to make more sales. The other way to create a channel of motivation is if the consumer is asking for the product. This is why the marketing mix is integrated. If JNJ created a quality product, the price is right and it has been promoted well; then there will be a consumer demand for the product. This demand will pull the product through the distribution channel to the selves. When the customer begins pulling the product through the distribution channels; JNJ will not have to push so much and lower the retailer’s profit margin. Fortunately JNJ already has a full range of baby products. JNJ will continue to use the same format for their diapers as they do for their other baby products. JNJ Sales and Logistics division will be the primary contact for JNJ retail customers. These teams will take orders and ship directly to the retailer’s regional distribution centers. Budget PlanIn 2005, JNJ spent approximately $6.5 billion in research and development for future products. The amount of this investment for research & development shows that JNJ deems it imperative to invest heavily in order to realize company goals and future growth. JNJ showed impressive sales at $50 billion in their 2005 Statement of Earnings, 29% of these sales were contributed to their consumer goods sector. Using this information and ratios to sales we will forecast a budget plan for the product development of Balmex Diapers. The following is a projected forecast for the Profit and Loss Statement of Balmex Diapers for Q1:Johnson & Johnson: Balmex Diapers (Dollars in Millions)Consolidated Statement of EarningsSales to customers $ 375Cost of products sold 104Gross profit 271Expenses:Selling, general, marketing andadministrative expenses 158Research expense 48Purchased in-process research anddevelopment 13219Net earnings 52Our projections take into account the heavy investment costs associated with product development like new capital assets, additional personnel, market research, patents and testing processes to launch the new product. We forecast that we will make a profit in the Q1 of $52 million. However, continuous research will be needed throughout the product cycle to gain superiority and growth in the diaper industry. MonitoringIt is critical in the marketing plan for researchers to continue to monitor the expectations, wants, and needs of their consumers since they change constantly. By having a monitoring process in place they are able to stay within the competitive market. However, this is not the only monitoring process they will have, there are several other monitoring processes JNJ will have in place in order to achieve success with their new product. The use of the SWOTT analysis also helps to monitor the external and internal marketing environment and what factors affect it. Business behavior must also be monitored and evaluated periodically because it affects the production of the product. This new product will also be monitored through the pharmaceutical alliances in order to ensure they are within medical compliance standards. The internet has helped in the monitoring process. This is where the consumers will find out more about JNJ’s products and issues. They can also find opinions, other consumer insights, feedback on the products strengths and weaknesses, comparing prices, customer satisfaction, and distribution concerns. Because the internet has such a broad space for a marketing audience, the product must be clearly defined to the targeted audience. The audience will give continuous feedback so it will be critical for JNJ to keep the monitoring of the internet communication, maintenance, and sales results. Continually observing and analyzing the SWOT of JNJ will allow them to remain on the competitive market as a new product line is launched. Analyzing and preparing for the internal and external factors that are affecting their business with this new medicated diaper will put them into a lead position. Part of the monitoring process will also have them seek out potential sources that will provide them strength and filter through marketing weaknesses. The marketing environment is constantly changing therefore JNJ will have to develop knowledge on the current trends of their specific industry. Johnson and Johnson strongly believes in protecting the environment and the natural resources they use and in order to stay true to their promise they must continue environmental monitoring for their products. Monitoring consumer expectations and satisfaction is important to the success of a new product as well. The company will want to ensure the customers are satisfied with the product. By monitoring these results they will be able to determine whether production will need to make more or less of the item. Sales results can be monitored through how many rebates or coupons have been redeemed during purchases. In the beginning phases of the new launch, more production will be needed in order to advertise it. But once it is being advertised, monitoring the satisfaction of the customer through surveys will give feedback. As feedback is being given, they are able to amend any errors or oversights right away. The company behavior is closely observed because this is where the ethical and social responsibilities of Johnson and Johnson employees are involved. All the focus has now turned to the consumers and JNJ needs to ensure their buyers are pleased with the service and quality of their products they have purchased. Johnson and Johnson will consider outsourcing a third party vendor such as an audit team to assess their customer performance versus the company’s performance. This can also be done through recent purchase surveys and having a customer satisfaction phone number on the product for a consumer to call in to voice their opinion about the product. It can be set up in an open forum to allow for comments, suggestions, or complaints. On the other hand an audit team can also be set up for the medical part of product. This audit will make certain JNJ is within medical guidelines since this new product will have medication. EvaluatingIn order for a large company such as JNJ to be successful with a new product, they must have adequate control processes in place. JNJ will have the four major control plans in place which are: annual-plan control, profitability control, efficiency control, and strategic control. There will be different job families responsible to ensure they have control over these. As they all work together it will meet the objectives to produce results. According to the textbook, Marketing Management, in chapter 2 is states companies can use Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA) to determine the attractiveness and probability of success. In this case JNJ will be able to exercise this feature in order to measure out the effectiveness of the marketing plan they are looking for. They will be able to mostly narrow down the targeted audience and reach them more cost-effectively. JNJ will also be able to analyze whether they will be able to provide the best products for their consumers rather than the competitors and will it still meet the company’s budget. All these factors must be evaluated during the MOA. (Kotler and Keller 2006)It is clearly mostly important for JNJ to evaluate and consider their strengths and weakness in their SWOT analysis. They will want to improve on their weak points. If they are not aware of their major weaknesses and opportunities it can damage the brand element and image they have work so hard to set. If during an evaluation process they realize sales numbers are not coming in as they projected, they will have to analyze the corrective action to the problem. Some things they may want to consider might be to drop the production down on the item until they can figure out where the problem is and why people are not interested in it. Part of the evaluation process is the company must understand and evaluate what the consumer is looking for. Customers are always looking for benefit to satisfy a need. As consumers are making purchases they will go through a list of alternatives on which product they should purchase. As they are doing this, this is where JNJ must come in strong with they brand element such as their logo, symbol, character, and slogan. Since JNJ has been around for many years people are familiar with their products and services. Customers will also evaluate and associate one bad experience as a lifetime connection. If something ever went wrong, they would remember that when evaluating whether they would by a JNJ product. ControlMaking sure all controls are in place will ensure profitability and results. An annual-plan control ensures that JNJ stays within their goal according to their annual plan of sales, profits, and any other goals they might have set. Senior management will set a goal for the company as a whole and then goals will be dispersed between all other groups within the companies to stay within the group goal. Profitability control ensures they company is always making a profit. They is main responsibility of the marketing director since this person is who get the name and product out to the public which will generate more sales and profits for a company. If they are able to create an excellent marketing strategy and consumers are consistently buying in, they will have successfully completed the job requirements. Efficiency control makes sure the entire staff is aware of the staying within a budget of marketing expenses which will increase the advertising campaigns, sales force, and distribution of the new item. Lastly, strategic control accounts for pursing the best opportunities on which markets to search for and the channels to get there can be done through a meticulous audit team. References GPOABS (2005). Diaper Evolution Time Line. Retrieved June18, 2006, from http://www.gpoabs.comJohnson & Johnson (2006). Johnson & Johnson. Retrieved June 18, 2006, from, R. A., Hartley, S. W., Rudelius, W., & Berdowitz, E. N. (2006). Marketing (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Kotler, K. (2006). Marketing Management (12th ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall. Perreault, W. D., & McCarthy, E. J. (2004). Basic Marketing (15th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. United States Department of Commerce Census Bureau (2005, December 22). Retrieved June 21, 2006, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Study Of How Sound Is Used In Greg Gliennas Short Film, The Elevator
A Study Of How Sound Is Used In Greg Glienna's Short Film, The Elevator â€Å"The Elevator†Usage of Sound I recently watched the comedic short film â€Å"The Elevator†by Greg Glienna. The film describes the everyday struggles and worries of riding in an elevator. While these struggles are dramatized, it serves as a good representation of what we’re all feeling at times. It touches on issues such as overcrowding, worries about the maximum weight capacity, and being in a compact space with sick people. While the film is short and simple, it uses both diegetic and nondiegetic sounds to capture the mood. The short film starts with a lack of sound as the man approaches the elevator. The diegetic sounds finally start when the elevator dings and the man shuffles in. Tinny elevator music then starts playing, to add further to the fact that yes, he is in an elevator. The choice in elevator music is very stereotypical; smooth jazz music that one would expect to be playing. The music precedes to get louder whenever the elevator stops to let more people in. The increasing volume adds to the mood of the scene, portraying the main character’s annoyance. The diegetic sound of the elevator dinging whenever it opens adds a sense of doom, especially the longer the viewer watches every time it dings, more people seem to shuffle into the already crowded elevator. Finally, the elevator dings again and the music stops, possibly to represent the people in the elevator’s relief that someone is about to get off. I feel that the elevator music in general represents the agitated mood in the elevator, and a break in it only represents good things to come. However, another man gets on board and the music continues. While someone is calculating the overall weight capacity of the elevator, the elevator starts to make strained groaning sounds. This creates a mood of apprehension and foreboding; is the elevator going to crash, killing everyone? It takes the audience down a suspenseful path, as they were probably presuming that the short film was a comedy. As the elevat or falls, the elevator music stops as well, indicating the shift in the mood. However, it eventually resumes and the annoyed mood is present again. The only diegetic talking that occurs in the short film is when a man excuses himself off the elevator when an overweight man is approaching. This contrasts against the rest of the film and its lack of dialogue, adding a sense of urgency to the man wanting to get off. In my opinion, the scene would not have been as funny if he had not spoken at all and you were unable to pick up the intonation in his voice. There is silence in the film again when the main man manages to get out of the elevator. The lack of tinny elevator music or dialogue indicates the sense of relief that the main character is feeling; he is finally free from the sounds and the overcrowding. However, a different set of obnoxious elevator music starts playing again when the second elevator arrives, also full of people. This adds again to the sense of unfavorable conditio ns, of how unfortunate it is that this would happen again. It also adds to the humor of the scene as it creates a circumstance that the audience can relate to. The sounds of people coughing and sniffling are present during the next elevator scene, indicating that the main character is in an elevator full of sick people. The addition of these diegetic sounds adds to the humorous dread, as they are present in excess. While it is common to hear a cough or two, rarely is it an elevator full of coughing people. One of the coughing sounds is made louder than the others as the scene focuses on a glob of spit landing on the main man’s neck. This adds emphasis to the sick man’s cough in particular, making it the focus and an addition to the horrified mood. There only appears to be one non-diegetic noise in the short film. This occurs during a scene in the first elevator, when an overweight man is approaching the already full elevator. Low, brassy music that resembles the shark movie â€Å"Jaws†theme begins to play. This is a sound that the viewer is most likely already familiar with, adding to both the tone of the scene and the comedic value. The dreading tone is established by the fact that the viewer knows that the theme plays whenever a shark is approachingthe elevator’s demise. The comedic effect comes from the fact that the short film is comparing an obese man to a deadly shark. While the film is short and simple, without much variety in sounds and music, the times in which it does use sound are very effective because of it. Overall, I enjoyed this short film. I thought it was funny and very relatable, and I laughed a couple times throughout it. I didn’t think I would like it, just because it was a short film, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Act 1 Screen Play Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Act 1 Screen Play Writing - Essay Example He continues to walk swiftly towards the parking space that is a block away from the casino. He continues his struggle to reach his shelter; the car which can help him flee from the expected risk. On his way to the car, he thinks (all his thoughts visually appear on the screen) that he has won honestly by stating to the men in the casino that â€Å"I know how to play cards†and then instantly recalls his childhood memories (appears on the screen in a vague impression), when his father used to take him to casinos at a very early age. (His father is shown on the screen) - teaching him tricks related to cards. He then utters the words â€Å"I just under-sold myself in front of the men†; All this is irking him badly which is shown through his body language. The moment he reaches his car, a screeching sound of the tyres of a vehicle is heard. Joey immediately turns back but then rushes towards his car within no time; but as soon as he opens it with his trembling hands, a black Chevy Pick truck stops next to him and three real big Chinese guys; Bao, Jiang, and Gan, come out of the truck. Joey’s face expresses all his reservations and fears at that moment. Gan runs towards Joey and smashes his head badly on the car. All of them start hitting Joey roughly and then one of them snatches the money from Joey. An expression of relief fills Joey’s face, as he expects them to leave. But the next moment, Joey’s face seems miserable as Gan pulls out a forty-caliber handgun and shouts, â€Å"You Gringo†. Joey (with extreme displeasure exhibited through his face) closes his eyes and feels the last seconds of his life. The next moment, a sound of gunshot is heard and Joey fells down with blood oozing out of his chest like a waterfall. The truck disappears in the dark leaving Joey lying on the corner of Edison Street and the screen slowly blacks out with the sounds of police
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Small Group Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Small Group Project - Essay Example The Ethics Review Committee under the chairmanship of the Compliance Officer is responsible for setting these ethical standards. After review of existing codes of conduct and related laws and regulations, the following codes of conduct applies to all management and employees of ECG, and are accountable for complying with this code of conduct: Adherence to applicable laws and regulations All employees in all ranks of the company must adhere to the legal requirements of the American government and countries that ECG conducts business. They must also adhere to the regulations of local authorities and commands that affect the company or its line of business. The laws and regulations that affect ECG are many; therefore, the company will provide guidelines on certain laws. The Compliance Officer will be available to answer any questions pertaining all laws that can affect the firm or its operations (Bacher, 2007). Conflict of interest This results when personal interests of employees and d irectors clash in any way with the interests of the firm. Despite having the right to engage in personal investments, enjoy private relationships and maintain normal business courteousness, employees, and management of ECG must not engage in activities or interests that may hinder their job responsibilities. Conflict of interest may also result when a member of staff pursues interests and actions that may negatively influence their performance. According to Hansen (2010), conflict of interest may also result when an employee, director or family members receive inappropriate gifts or benefits due to their relationship with the firm, whether the gain is from the firm or a client. Examples of conflict of interest are credit, guarantees for credit to employees and members of their families. Federal laws criminalize loans to executives and top management (Hansen, 2010). Working concurrently for a competitor, supplier or client amounts to a conflict of interest. Despite the fact that it i s not always easy to determine a conflict of interest, it is the firm’s policy to forbid such conflicts whenever feasible. Conflicts of interests may not be obvious in all circumstances; therefore, employees are advised to consult with the compliance officer whenever questions arise. Privacy All members of staff of all ranks at ECG must ensure the discretion of information entrusted to them by the firm, its clients, or suppliers except when admission is demanded by the firm, or required by laws and regulations or a court order. Classified information includes, but not confined to non-public information that may be utilized by opponents or injurious to the firm or its clients when revealed. Whenever possible, all members of staff must seek the guidance of the Compliance Officer if they believe that they have a lawful responsibility to divulge private information. Fair dealing Every member of staff in the company must strive to transact in a fair manner with the firm’s c lients, colleagues, and business competitors. No one should take undue advantage of the other through manipulation, misuse of privileged information, suppression, falsification of true facts and blackmail among other acts of unfair practice. Abusing trade secret information that was retrieved without owner’
The Leitmotif Principle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Leitmotif Principle - Essay Example Today many types of music that have dramatic narratives ranging from television, video games, movies and rock operas borrow a lot from the leitmotif approach (Gorbman, 1987:43). This paper will discuss the leitmotif principle in opera and film. It will also explain and illustrate the operation of the principle during the nineteenth century opera and the influence and legacy it had on the twentieth century art. The term leitmotif was first introduced to the operas by Richard Wagner describing a recurring melody related to a specific object, character, emotion, people or idea. A musical phrase occurs constantly and is associated with the above aspects (Dahlhaus, 1989:195). This principle has been used as a standard technique or method of how film music or dramatic music is used and was applied especially during the era of classical Hollywood films during the nineteenth century (Burt, 2000:34). Some of the notable composers who used the principle in their works include Max Steiner and Erich Korngold. It is important to ask what qualifies as a leitmotif in film. To answer this question, several factors characterise a work that can be considered to have used the leitmotif principle.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
NIC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
NIC - Essay Example For this reason, I would strongly believe and concur that nursing interventions would be different for less and more experienced nurses. First, several strategies are employed in the development of a critical thought of nursing education. These strategies are essential in the attainment of high-quality nursing/clinical practice; hence, likely to be found among the more experienced nursed. Second, the nursing interventions would be different since the most experienced nurses have a high accuracy to clinical practice and would not waste time and energy in handling any case. This would ensure that minimal harm is caused to the patients, and their respective families satisfied. Third, more experienced nurses would have better nursing interventions than the less experienced ones due to the professional engagements they have undertaken. These nurses possess essential features of nursing such as the provision of caring relationships to patients; hence, facilitating health and healing (Macnee & McCabe, 2007). They also pay attention to the variety of human experiences and rejoinders that entail health or illness within the respective physical environments, and are well equipped to integrate knowledge with data assessments obtained from patient appreciations. Finally, the more experienced nurses are better at nursing interventions due to their capability to apply scientific knowledge to diagnosis and treatment processes through judgmental and critical thinking. Therefore, they have the capability to influence public and social policies towards the promotion of social justice in health institutions. The more experienced nurses are able to think critically than the less experienced ones; hence, an indication of a knowledge base from which to reason, analyze, and appraise evidence (Hughes et al.,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Future Direction of Healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Future Direction of Healthcare - Assignment Example In an instance where the health physician’s quality of work is based on customer experience, there is a likelihood that most physicians will opt to only handle patients who are easier to treat and ignore those with chronic illnesses. Furthermore, there is a likelihood that the doctors may perceive this form of pay to be unfair. This is especially so if the good doctors are underpaid while those who do not do their work so well are paid better (Miller, 2014). Administrators need to come up with a standards measure for quality if they ever expect this initiative to work. If the doctors feel like they are being paid in accordance to their performance, they are likely to work harder and improve customer experience. Currently, there is a heightened shortage in the number of skilled nurses and practitioners in the health sector who can care to individual patients and the overall population as a whole, which can be interpreted to signify that the demand is higher than the supply. Most of the nurses are under skilled and are incapable of meeting the required performance standards which consequently affects patients health care. Employers are faced with the problem of coming up with strategies that will help cub the problem of unskilled workers and ensuring that all the health workers meet the required standards to ensure future survival of the organization. Some of these strategies include up-skilling and multi-skilling employees, employing younger employees, establishing some form of partnership between the organization and the educators and lastly ensuring the participation of mature workers. The employers can come up with strategies to maintain young employees in the organization considering the fact that they are at high demand and not easily available in the market. Mature employees have skills that the younger employees could benefit from hence why the employers should persuade them to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Consumer buying behaviour blogs and portfolio Essay
Consumer buying behaviour blogs and portfolio - Essay Example However certain experience annoys customers in context of purchasing a branded good or service. I usually preferred branded products because I thought money value of the brand is worthwhile. In terms of behavioural sciences of consumer behaviour it is clearly evident that psychological needs usually influence an individual to purchase a brand. I had a bitter experience with two well known brands Samsung and Levis. These two brands were my favourite and I was ready to pay premium prices for these brands. In my college days I used to wear Levis jeans because I felt that its quality or texture will not degrade. I was literally shocked when I saw my perception about the brand was totally wrong. There are two or three Levis outlets nearby my locality and I usually purchase jeans from these outlets from past many years. Recently some new sales person was hired in this retail outlet and they did not have friendly behaviour. I purchased two jeans and it was expensive but my shopping experien ce was more pathetic. None of the sales person in the outlet helped me to select the best product and I had to find the best fit for myself (Cheryl and Thuhang, 2007). This in turn had drawn a negative image about the brand in my mind. However after sales service of Levis jeans were worse because one of the jeans turned out to be of low quality and I had to return it back. I nearly spend half day resolving issue at the outlet since they were not ready for cash back. From that day I have decided that I will avoid any form of branded items. Samsung was another brand which had annoyed me to a great extent. I purchased an electronic item of Samsung few months back but it failed to deliver desired service level. On the other hand one of my friends had bought same electrical device from not so well known brand and it performed well. Customer perception is difficult to change since it is based on attitudes and beliefs.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Corporal Punishment Essay Example for Free
Corporal Punishment Essay Corporal punishment is a subject that has a lot of emotional opinions for me. The Collins English Dictionary describes corporal punishment as punishment of a physical nature, such as caning, flogging, or beating. The description of caning, flogging or beating should be enough to indicate that it is not needed for children. Corporal punishment has a tone that is too close to child abuse to be comfortable with any form of it. I suppose the clarity should be to try to define the line between discipline and abuse. Corporal punishment in my mind is abuse, not discipline. Discipline should not leave marks, bruises or cause lasting physical or emotional pain. It should be something that gets the child’s attention and offers correction, but too many parents or adults simply just don’t know where the line is and when they have so clearly crossed it. I realize that psychological marks or bruises maybe difficult to read but I believe that there can be some tell-tale signals that indicate how effective it was in a child’s upbringing or how ineffective it was in the same measure. Corporal punishment in families is a controversial practice in the United States and worldwide. (Zolotor, A. J. , Puzia, M. E. (2010). 229-247) Zolotor indicates that advocates of corporal punishment deem it to be a necessary practice for well-behaved children. He further states that it harms children psychologically and interferes with development. Ask any parent, â€Å"do you spank your children? †and, many will quickly admit that they do. However their definition of spanking and the reality of corporal punishment are often too close to each other to separate discipline from abuse. I grew up in a family that discipline meant instant harsh responses to someone’s disfavor of your actions. In my family, discipline could be dealt out by anyone your senior including aunts, uncles, grandparents, older siblings, older cousins, or just about anybody who would have a reaction to a child being a child and investigating their limitations and curiosities. When I think about whether or not corporal punishment is effective or not, I have to admit that I have a severely tainted view and opinion. It is not easy to see clearly how punishing a child for discipline sake and having hem scream, â€Å"I am scared†when they are about to be disciplined can possibly mean the same thing. As I sit here preparing to provide opinions or belief systems in my life that do not support corporal punishment, I think of the moments in my childhood that I remember most. I remember a sad day in my mother’s life when she, for some reason, asked me what I remember most about my childhood and I said, â€Å"The beatings, mom, I remember the beatings most†. I saw the pain in her eyes and it provided no consolation for me or peace for me. I realized in that moment, I probably hurt my mother emotionally more than she ever hurt me physically. I wasn’t trying to be dramatic or even trying to punish her for the life I led as a child. It was just the truth as it stood that day. I am almost fifty years old and I must admit that I still flinch when I am walking through a door and happen to have a woman walk in at the same time or behind me. My father used to smack the boys in the back of the head if we did not remember our manners and hold the door for women. He would scream some unusable obscenity and tell us to be a man of respect and manners and just about knock us to the ground in the process. The argument might be that it was effective because I will almost break my arm to hold a door open for a woman entering a room or a building regardless of the situation. I just think that chivalry is not dead and just do what is expected of a man who provides appropriate respect to women. Twenty-four countries have passed legislative bans on corporal punishment since the passage of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Coleman, D. , Dodge, K. A. , Campbell, S. (2010). This would seem to be sufficient information to indicate that there is strong evidence to prove that it is not a practice that can be tolerated or supported. If the leadership of twenty-four countries have agreed that this is not a proper way to take care of discipline issues with children, someone must have decided that there was enough evidence that proved children need to be protected from the ignorance of their parents. This statement holds a lot of credence for me because this had to be a subject that drew national and international attention at some time in the recent past. Someone brought up the subject of corporal punishment to the leadership of twenty four countries who all agreed that it was an ineffective form of discipline. I remember when I was a child in school at a small school in Arkansas, the principal, Mrs. Hewey, would have a conversation with my brother and me at least twice a week. The conversation was usually followed by the use of a two and a half foot long board that was about five inches wide and had holes drilled in it. Depending on our offense that day we would see anywhere from one to three good solid swats from that board and I swear that she would lean back all the way into the hallway to get a running start at the swing before it viciously collided with your backside. I don’t think this was really that effective but it usually took less than two days for my brother and me to be right back in her office for another try at that board. The only real problem was that every day we had this interaction, we were sure to get some more when we got home from one parent or the other and possibly both if the offense in school was strong enough. Children whose parents approved of and used corporal punishment were more likely to endorse hitting as a strategy for resolving interpersonal conflicts with peers and siblings. (Simons, D. A. , Wurtele, S. K. (2010) Reading this statement alone provides insight on the problems with relationships today. Whether it is factual or just opinion, it would seem that this is reason for other relationship issues that deal with conflict and conflict resolution. It would seem that we could easily expect to hear someone say, â€Å"if he hits you, hit him back†and this would be the fantastic wisdom they provide their children as they also are swift to find reason to administer swift punishment for simply being a child. I was once in a grocery store and overheard an overzealous father telling his son, â€Å"If he hits you again, you hit him back and if you have to do it when he is not watching, but you hit him and hit him again and again. He will certainly leave you alone if you do. †I immediately thought how awful this child’s youth and teenage years were going to be if he followed his father’s misguided advice. I must admit that in hearing just thirty seconds of a conversation, I felt sadness for the boy and disappointment and pity for the father. I thought that someday he is going to be one of those fathers who receives a phone call that says his son is in the hospital or worse because he followed his advice. He will never associate the situation with the advice he gave his son in his most impressionable years. He will just think evil of the people who harmed his son. HE will then respond in the only way he knows how, he will strike back too. Proving again that the discipline he received and the discipline he provided lacked wisdom and only invited sadness and loss in it. According to an article written by Hicks-Pass in 2009 entitled, â€Å"Corporal Punishment in America Today: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child? †Hicks-Pass described findings that supported an intergenerational cycle of violence; parents who experienced frequent corporal punishment during childhood perceived its use as acceptable and frequently spanked their children. Basically, this means that whatever environment you are raised in will more than likely become a part of your belief system up to and including your approval of the use of corporal punishment. I have often that the exact opposite about some things as I look back on my youth and early parenthood, I found myself saying, â€Å"As a father, I refuse to repeat this behavior with my children†and worked very hard to recognize the responses in me that would have or could have led to the use of corporal punishment. I am a long way from perfect but there are a lot of ways that I have separated myself from the intergenerational beliefs systems that could have overpowered my desire to be different and in some cases better. Some of the ways that I believe a parent can discipline a child that are far removed from corporal punishment are: a) Communicating with them on their level and at a tone of instruction. Yelling is not allowed. This takes patience recognizing that a child doesn’t understand at the same pace or academic level as an adult. So it is one that requires parents to sit down and talk things out with the child explaining the right and wrong behavior and the expected behavior from the parent’s standpoint and then enforcing the change through limitations. b) Time outs that separate them from the situation completely and give them time to calm down and for the parent to do so as well. My children have a five-minute egg timer that we use when they need some time to stop and regroup. We have a place in their room where they have a chair and the egg timer. Once seated there, they cannot move until the ding of the egg-timer goes â€Å"bing†. Then they have to bring the egg timer and the explanation of the situation. Then as a parent, I explain to them the difference between what is expected and what they were doing and then ask for their confirmation of understanding. With five year olds, this takes patience because their attention span is so much shorter. ) Take aways – When my twins begin to argue about something it is usually because one of them has something the other wants and they both begin to fight for it. It is funny that they do not want it until it is firmly in the grasp of the other twin and then they begin to fight for position or possession. Here I just simply take away whatever it is they are arguing about until they can calm down and realize that it is not appropriate or fair to be jealous of someone else especially when they were doin g something that you had no interest in until they began it. This is usually over the use of the I-Pad, Computer, or some form of their homework or books in their room. Through it all, the idea is simple. If twenty-four countries have made corporal punishment illegal, then it would only make sense that we have to begin to educate those families caught up in the circle of violence that it more often than not follows. We have to also educate them with alternatives and coach them through it as they learn alternatives methods of providing discipline and guidance. I can’t remember how many times, my father was providing his discipline and was saying something like, â€Å"I told you not to do this and you are going to get it even if I have to beat it into you! †The fact is I don’t think I ever really got it and therefore have spent most of my adult life separating myself from it. If we start with ourselves and help educate others, we can make a difference but it will take generations to do so. It will not come quickly enough and many children with suffer the wrath of parents who have become their parents.
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